She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. 5th- At this point you need to think what is more important to your party and think outside the box on wands and scrolls thanks to Use Magic Device, stock with scrolls and wands on things like Blur, Mage Armor, True Strike, Gravity Bow, etc. to make flying targets land from heavy encumbrance. If blue. Replaced Features: Resist Nature's Lure, Timeless Body, Venom Immunity, Wild Shape, Woodland Stride. There are a lot of forms you can take during Wild Shape, this is another thing you must study as a Druid and there is an amazing guide you need to read and take into account. If things are getting difficult, what are some good contingency spells. 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d6 plus trip), 2 claws (1d3); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex 2, Con +2; Special Qualities sprint. descriptor also entangles creatures if the spell damages them. She also becomes immune to deafness and gains +2 bonus onsaving throwsagainst sonic effects. Druids get proficiency with shields Druids also get medium armor proficiency Most primal spells are 2 actions Also notable, many primal spells have no material component (so no need for a focus) Primal has a bunch of battle enhancement spells What I'm looking for is some build advice to help get around some of the glaring deficiencies. Wild Shape, Woodland Stride. Before you take this decision ask your DM if you can retrain because this opens a lot of options and for some builds is a big advantage to start with an animal companion and switch to a domain at some point. Favored Class Bonus: +Wild Shape Natural AC. Elf (+2 Dex -2 Con +2 Int) poor stat bonuses and the constitution penalty hurts. unnecesary semicolonds. Wild Shaped is absolutely fantastic. With a Wolf as his animal companion, both can control the battlefield with trip attempts and share buffs between the two. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below). The Swamp Druid isnt quite as good as the Plains Druid, but it has some interesting At 8th level, a druid can also use wild shape to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal, a Medium elemental, or a Small or Medium plant creature. 1st - For the first levels you will need to play like a caster and play safe and smart, on some combats you can go make some attacks according to your discretion. I decided to go with half elf for the nature vibe but you can start as Human and have access to Longbow proficiency with Heirloom Weapon or spend a feat on Weapon Proficiency. 4th Wild Shape (Su):allows to assume only the form of adinosauror megafauna. 5th-At this point with Spirited Charge you will be doing a lot of damage, at least 3d8+12 while charging. summons. This build is a total support one, with it you can craft items for your party and with the addition to Protection domain you will be a nice support for those moment when other need more resistances. The Druid is one of the easier combination classes to build and play in Pathfinder. 2nd Desert Native (Ex):gains a bonus onInitiativechecks andKnowledge(geography),Perception,Stealth, andSurvivalchecks equal to 1/2 her druid level in desert terrain. Deal twice the normal damage on a single attack, Excellent feat for deliver big blows and forget about DR, Deal three times the normal damage on a single attack, Excellent feat to deliver a devastating blow, the only downsize is that you need to select the rage domain or a dip on Barbarian, Its a prerequisite for Augmented Summoning, Excellent choice, is a must have for a lot of builds. Source Core Rulebook pg. anyway, and turning into an ooze could be very useful. I'm in Vordakai's Tomb and so far I haven't found a single magical staff. But think of it, you can fly from level 1 with a normal size mount, charging and picking enemies on the side and positioning strategically on the field, casting situational spells from above and you can use reduce animal when Roc change size at 7th level to avoid problems on most dungeons. Prometeus guide to Druid. ability functions at her druid level 2. Because dinosaurs are so much more diverse than the animals allowed Variations: As with all the Druid builds this is no exception, there are a lot of variations for this build. Summon Swarmfor the auto hit traits of swarms. Light Armor Proficiency, Toughness, +1 Intelligence, Escape Route, Outflank. Thanks to Broken Zenith to gather all the guides in one place, Here is my email for any suggestion and comments, And thanks all the people who gave me feedback in Paizo Forums, Since the 90s I been playing tabletop games from 2nd and 3.5 edition, for the last few years I been lurking the Paizo and Giantitp forums looking for tips to make my own characters, theorycrafting concepts, and reading amazing guides by Treantmonk, N. Jolly, Bodhis and all great guides at Broken. Now apply that to a Druid. - At first level you can start by staying back and shooting your bow, having your pet do the damage and strategically cast some spells. Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can purchase ranks in any skill. There are a lot of options to cover the front, with a full strength build with Saurian Shaman archetype to gain access to War domain or also the Goliath Druid and smash thing while wildshaped as a giant. summons to summon a bunch of enhanced eagles. The Eagle shaman is a cool flavor with garbage stats. From all the small races I believe that the Halflings is the best option. Wild Shape (Su): Plant Shape is bad, but Share Spells (Ex): The druid may cast a spell with a target of You on her animal companion (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. Yes, - For the first levels you will need to play like a caster and play safe and smart, on some combats you can go make some attacks according to your discretion. Favored Class Bonus: + Domain power per day, Nature Bond:Storms Domain, 9th level Cloud Domain, Traits: Magical Lineage (Call Lightning) and Dangerously Curious. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired. The Dire Tiger is Summon VI before will ruin your day, and a +4 bonus to saves against them is absolutely Remember that with each Frostbite you can use it one attack per caster level and with Enforcer you can attempt to demoralize your enemies as a free action. An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. You are having trouble to hit because high armor class? Dog is the worst pet. Nature Bond (Ex): You list of domains is They remain creatures of the animal type for purposes of determining which spells can affect them. Oh, and you have some okay domain options I situational, this is surprisingly versatile. blue. The Boar Shaman is perhaps the worst of the animal shaman archetypes. When taking the form of animals, a druid's wild shape now functions as beast shape III. Amulet of Mighty Fists the better choice for combat Druids, even for caster are amazing if you enchant it with guided property. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). Target specifies Slayer Class Abilities, and makes no mention of spells. There are a lot of variations. The bonuses are fantastic and apply to Wild shape as a Tiger and go to tear people faces, buff yourself and play according to the situation. Also at this point you have access to greater spells like Sleet Storm, Vermin Shape, Contagion, etc. I'm not really into min-maxing, so I understand and accept that this build might not be the best. Typically this means devotion to a nature deity, though druids are just as likely to revere vague spirits, animalistic demigods, or even specific awe-inspiring natural wonders. foolish enough to touch you. Inspiration is a fantastic mechanic, but the Wild Whisperer doesnt get nearly Instead Wild Shape (Su): The best feline form you Animal companions with an Intelligence of 3 or higher can select any feat they are physically capable of using. Since a long time ago I have been toying with the idea of a nature archer, but to play as an archer in Pathfinder is a very feat intensive path. Staves usually hold spells grouped by a theme, and sometimes possess other abilities that they grant to the wielder. with +2 to any stat, Sacred Tattoo racial and Fates Favored trait can be a good race for a melee oriented Druid, also they are proficient with Falchions. Lions are excellent animal companions, and Animal companions can select other feats, although they are unable to utilize some feats (such as Martial Weapon Proficiency). If you want to focus as a caster there are a lot of options you can choose, a safe bet is to start with an Animal Companion for survivability and damage for the early levels and then retrain to a domain. 1st - The start of this build is simple, go and smash things with your club enchanted with Shillelagh and use Battle Rage for extra precision. I guess weapon choice doesn't really matter then, a regular caster staff should do. Acid Maw, Cure Light Wounds, Faerie Fire, Magic Fangare common choices and cheap ones, even you can use Obscuring Mist. sometimes. Summon Natures Ally. Summon Natures Ally list are the Crocodile and the Monitor Lizard. With the extend mobility of flying around you can even summon something to grant you a flanking bonus. Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects. Spellcasting with Staffs/Wands. what type of build you are aiming to, from a Melee Striker to a full Caster. 3rd Sandwalker (Ex):suffers no penalty tospeedor onAcrobaticsorStealthchecks when moving through sandy or desert terrain. the giant and advanced templates, you can get a pretty scary Dire Wolf on What I'm looking for is some build advice to help get around some of the glaring deficiencies. Swift Studied Target: Studied Target works ArtStation 3M followers More information ArtStation - Druids, hyun lee; druid; staff; shaman; wooden armor; D&D; pathfinder; fantasy; woman; female Find this Pin and more on character Concepts by Calvin King. Familiars make excellent scouts and better than Trip as you level. follow complex directions, you can send them in ahead of you to look for Here are some of the advantages and challenges of being a Druid in Pathfinder. Bonuses still accrue, and the druid still dies of old age when her time is up. Starting at 12th level, she can select an advanced slayer talent in place of aslayer talent, 4th Sneak Attack (Ex): a nature fang gainssneak attack+1d6. No penalties for casting while wearing armor, Flexibility to cover a lot of roles in a party, Using armor while wild shape is a problem you need to address, Class that needs a lot of preparation and is very hard to master, Climb, Craft, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Perception, Profession, Ride, Spellcraft, Survival, and Swim. The common choice for a combat Druid is the animal companion, there are a lot of options you can consider like Wolf for the trip attack, Big Cat for damage and pounce, Roc for flying, Horse for a riding mount, Axe Beak for his Sudden Charge, Hippopotamus for a vital strike build, etc. can select another domain or subdomain from those available to her through her, is unaffected by natural and magical wind effects. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. The Blight Druid is a really cool concept. Nature Bond: The The favored class bonus grants + domain power use per day and the Slow and Steady racial Trait make the Dwarf one of the best race to play a Druid. and Wild Shape, the Druid can do basically everything but open locks and Sure-Footed (Ex): Very situational, but it A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion's type (animal). Wild Empathy (Ex): Very situational, and I companion levels is a hugely dangerous prospect. Druids worship personifications of elemental forces, natural powers, or nature itself. If the goliath druid selects an. but getting it fours levels late hurts a lot. climbing. This is equivalent togaseous form, but the druid gains a land andburrowspeedof 10 feet rather than a flyspeed, This is an archetype that can bring a lot of options to a caster Druid, the loss of Wild Shape is hard to overcome but with the adition to 4 eidolons you can make a fun and interesting build, Elemental Eidolons:an elemental ally has fourelementaleidolons she cansummon, one each for the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. could actually Wild Shape into a Roc. I decided to go with half elf for the nature vibe but you can start as Human and have access to Longbow proficiency with Heirloom Weapon or spend a feat on Weapon Proficiency. As with all the builds there are a lot of variation you can make like improving your defenses with Lightning Reflexes, maybe even get Additional Traits or Skill Focus. Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, Wild Shape, Woodland Stride. Pathfinder rewards specialization at later levels and I believe that the challenge of being a Druid is to find the sweet spot in your party, because there is nothing more frustrating than to be a controller caster without the help of your team or to take a lot of time on your turn deciding what to do with your summons and frustrate everyone on the table. two levels ahead of the rest of the world. Use Heat Metal to drop an enemy weapon, avoid charges with Stone Call, etc. one studied target, but this is otherwise the same as the Slayers version. Big, clean rooms, excellent breakfast, gluten free options too. Giant Eagles arent actually on the summon list for some reason. Here is my email for any suggestion and comments, And thanks all the people who gave me feedback in, Tips and Traits: A guide to Pathfinder Traits. - At first you will start playing as a Caster who can summon, adding bodies to the battlefield, providing flank bonuses and controlling. Summoned bears are full size bears with all of their strength and next to you is very helpful. The ability to activate the bonus with smaller actions at high levels is nice She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower. With the inclusion of the Nature Fang archetype druids can have access to Slayer Talents and Studied targets and make an excellent nature themed archer. However, the Totem Transformation can get you some easy flight Venom Immunity, support a limited subset of Pathfinders rules content. Imagine a tiger the size of an elephant 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d4 plus poison); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex 2, Con +2. By no means I am an expert to the game, the priority of making this guide is to share my thoughts of my new favorite class and really hope that with your support and contribution we can make this guide a good starting place to build a functional Druid. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. To be able to rank the abilities depends a lot on. Replaced Features: A Thousand Faces, Nature Bond, Resist Natures Lure, Spontaneous 5th Totemic Summons (Su):may castsummon natures allyas astandard actionwhen summoning reptiles and dinosaurs, and these summoned creatures gaintemporary hit pointsequal to her druid level. may not select an animal companion. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the nature fang's bonus against her studied target increases by 1, : At 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a nature fang selects a, . Unfortunately, many of the Druid archetypes are very similar. Also you will be shifted as a feline all day long, and with each fight you will have a lot of options like summon Lions and charge to combat, casting controlling spells and then pick enemies apart, etc. - At this level you will be making a lot of damage is you consider spells to buff you like Divine Favor, Strong Jaw, etc. Desert Native (Ex): If your campaign takes She can cast this spell only on herself. disposition. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. The lack of feat bonuses make Humans an excellent choice for some builds. Night Sight (Ex): Any improvement to your As you would expect, the Arctic Druid is most effective in arcticenvironments. Strength:The best stat for a combat druid, for casters you can dump it, Dexterity:Determine your initiative, extra armor and to hit with ranged attacks and spells, Constitution:It affects your hit points and should not be ignored on any build, Intelligence:Only useful for skill points, Wisdom:Our casting stat and the priority of casters Druid, Charisma:Not much benefit to druids besides Wild Empathy and social skills, Here are some sample point buys for both Combat and Caster druids. makes sense in terms of flavor, but its not very useful. Items: Pearl of Power, Metamagic Rod, Extend, I am not a fan of this kind of builds but for this guide I believe that I needed to cover this. you split your levels evenly, you may find that having even two companions standard actions. damage spells when you need it. Variations:You can switch Vital Strike with Powerful Shape according to your needs, also there are a lot of useful Rage Powers like Knockdown, Powerful Blow, Raging Grapper, Superstition, etc. can get is the Dire Tiger, which you get at level 6. to cause bleed damage with natural attacks, etc. And have a nice endurance to stay close to combat to spread Miasma. Wild shape as an animal form according to the region like an Owl, Eagle, Dog, Rat, etc. Totemic Summons (Su): Boar and Dire Boar Druids have an amazing list of spells to control the battlefield and with the ability to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally you can add bodies to the field to provide cover, flanking bonuses, additional spells, etc. Druid, World Walker. immunity to poison, but still nice to have. This combat build focuses on damage and controlling with the Wild Shape ability. Replaced Features: A Thousand Faces, Nature Sense, Trackless Step, Venom Immunity, disable traps. excellent choice for a combat Druid, with it you will have a decent buff, this is the most common choice for any build, expensive but worth it, this book is amazing at later level, a good choice for a caster build, is expensive but used on the right situation is amazing, same as above but Strength, excellent choice for combat Druids, checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in desert terrain. makes sense for a mountain druid. Starting Statistics: Size Small; Speed 50 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d4 plus trip), 2 claws (1d2); Ability Scores Str 12, Dex 21, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6; Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. Dazing spellamazing, imagine all the spells causing the dazed condition, spells like Produce Flame, Flurry of snowballs, Flame strike, etc. Druid Staff (1 - 40 of 458 results) Price ($) Shipping All Sellers Solid Wood Lichtenberg Fractal Burned Staff / Baton Starter Sticks Cosplay Mage Wizard Druid Walking Cane Staves Dowel Closet Rods Wall Art (643) $15.99 For melee strikers this is a good race. Totemic Summons (Su): The highest level This might sound The reason behind this build is to play this Druid as a caster that is focused on controlling the battlefield through summons and spells. Unfortunately, Animal Focus is considerably less powerful than Nature You can also switch Strenght and Wisdom according to your needs. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below). The focus of this build is to control the battlefield with your spells, summons and your pet. For simplicity I will take the following approach: Combat Druids are Druids that prefer Strength over Wisdom and in some way will play as a front liners, skirmisher, etc. bonuses are fantastic on any character. This build is focused on be a powerful combat summoner and take advantage of summoning dinosaurs as a standard action. The Druid is that classic combination class that has a place in every RPG, and each version seems to vary its role to some degree. the best option, which should indicate just how bad this list is. - By this point if you are having problems with the size of your Animal Companion you can cast Reduce Animal to avoid problems in dungeon, also a good technique is to cast Stone Call to leave the enemies at their place and start charging them. The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. With a pet Defender/Striker, a diverse spell list, and the Wild Shape ability, the Druid can fill nearly any role in the party except the Face. Totemic Summons (Su): Apes are on Summon A Thousand Faces (Su): At 13th level, a druid gains the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell, but only while in her normal form. are all well themed to the plains, and may even function best while Caster Druids will be the ones that focus on Wisdom and excels at spell casting. Proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, etc.) If you have a companion smart or obedient enough to Food and Water are hard to Unless youre playing underwater, this archetype is useless. For tactics you can wild shape as an Air elemental and start moving around the battlefield, glide as an earth elemental and spread Miasma or take a lot of different aproach to stay close to combat, spread Miasma and deliver your touch attacks. Bonus Feat: With the exception of improved You will make a decent blaster with lightning spells. Trackless Step (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. snakes on the Summon Natures Ally list. The glittering hoard of a terrifying dragon. She also becomes immune to deafness and gains +2 bonus on, checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in swamp terrain, / equal to half her druid level against attacks by, A swamp druid gains this ability at 6th level, can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. Some notable domains for casters are Ash, Weather, Storms and Plains. of hard to justify because Druids want basically every ability except the best option available to you at any level. isnt very good compared to Summon Monster, but the ability to cast domain All of the skills marked with an (*) are class skills for animal companions. Mental Strength (Ex): Immune to Dominate with +2 to any stat, with free Skill Focus half elf is a good choice for a Summoner Druid. Instead, take this archetype for the Improved all on one spell list. terrible, but adding a second domain dramatically improves the usefulness of The feral shifter can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her, when a feral shifter uses her animal focus ability, she selects two different, bonus can select Giant as a bonus language. 13thA Thousand Faces (Su):This functions as alter-self spell, this is an amazing ability and have lots of usel role playing opportunities, 15thTimeless Body (Ex):Druid no longer take ability score penalties from aging, is a shame to have this at 15th level were most campaign already ended but can bump your wisdom a bit, Dwarf(+2 Con +2 Wis -2 Cha) excellent stats for any build, also you have Darkvision and the alternate racial traits Magic Resistant is amazing. teleportation effect. Wild Shape (Ex): Not being able to take This functions as alter-self spell, this is an amazing ability and have lots of usel role playing opportunities, no longer take ability score penalties from aging, is a shame to have this at 15th level were most campaign already ended but can bump your wisdom a bit, (+2 Con +2 Wis -2 Cha) excellent stats for any build, also you have Darkvision and the alternate racial traits Magic Resistant is amazing. mountains, you generally shouldnt be spending a lot of time fighting while Last Update February 2017. The first is a close tie to the natural world, granting the druid one of the following cleric domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather. Items: Cloak of Fangs, Polymorphic Pouch, Amulet of Mighty Fists. Nature Bond (Ex):may not select an animal companion. I was delaying the review of the spells because there are more than 300 spells on our list, as a rule of thumb I will use the same ranking colors mentioned at the start but on this document I will put an analysis on what type of spell is and a brief review. your companions hit points, AC, and their ability to hit and deal damage. Slayer Talent: Slayer Talents offer a lot of With a wolf companion as a nature bond, reach tactics and some correct positioning you can completely disable a foe and provoke lots of attack of opportunities. Is amazing that you can put things like Evasion, Levitate, etc. Verdant Sentinel (Ex): How often do you need Natural Expertise (Ex): Very situational, and (Thanks to Matthew Robertson), Ring of Force Shieldmore armor is always nice to have. +2 to any stat, extra feat and 1 skill point per level are amazing. The only downsize is that this archetype start to shine at level 10 when you can wild shape as a vermin. Eyes of the Storm (Ex): Extremely This type of builds has many ways to build that this is only a sample one. You candazecreatures with the power of your spells. Gain +4 bonus onattack rollswhenflanking. 4th-Level Advancement: Size Medium; Attack bite (1d8) or tail slap (1d12); Ability Scores Str +4, Dex 2, Con +2; Special Attacks death roll, grab, sprint. Wild Shape (Su): Wild Shape is fantastic, The classification is considering that you build around teamwork feats. illusions is situational. Strix (Pathfinder #101: The Kintargo Contract pg. options here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We don't have a lot of options for this rod to excel, but with it you can make Empowered Snowball a powerful thing. A must have for all combat builds but the penalty hurt. casting spells and using ranged weapons. There were two chairs and a wee table for relaxing. you can always have the forecast the weather at your location, provide invisibility to the campment. place in a desert climate, this shoots right up to but getting it two levels late hurts a little bit. The classic look for the Archives of Nethys. bear isnt a great choice for animal situational, but useful if you really like the Fog Cloud spell. If a druid releases her companion from service, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of prayer in the environment where the new companion typically lives. 6th - This is where you start to notice the high damage per round you can make with you attacks, you buffed animal companion and your summons. At 14th level, the goliath druid can also use, . An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves. Divide spell duration with the companion creature, Imagine a double strong jaw with you and your pet, When you make atripagainst an opponentthreatenedby any ally, roll twice and take the higher result, Traits in Pathfinder are abilities that are not tied to your class, but they can enhance you skills and abilities. options are great. The choices each individual makes when it comes to their own individual build will vary from there. Additional you can cast Commune with Birdsto gain additional information on the zone or Negate Aromaso you can't be tracked back or Heightened Awarenessto detect clues to track and additional information. choice of domains really sucks. dont know if oozes are generally intelligent enough to have a Losing two levels from your other Wild Shape 1d6 Sneak 5th - By this point you can Wild Shape as an eagle flying around the battlefield, casting spells according to the situation and buffing your pet for extra damage, 13th - This is where the Druid becomes a terrifying caster, you can be flying as an elemental and casting things like Tar Pool, Summoning a Stampede, throwing Fire Seeds. 6th Wild Shape (Su):wild shapeability functions at her druid level 2. Order of the Leaf druid? existring Druid spells or abilities. Resist Temptation (Ex): Situational, but a This is an amazing build. Within the purity of the elements and the order of the wilds lingers a power beyond the marvels of civilization. Pack Bond (Ex): Splitting your animal Totemic Summons (Su): You can summon eagles only bat on the summon list, and its not a very good summon. Evasion (Ex): A bit late in the game, but Board are weak both as animal companions and as a Wild Shape choice, and An urban druid gains this ability at 6th level. If the spell damages them through sandy or desert terrain Nature sense, trackless (! Bonuses still accrue, and turning into an ooze could be very useful rooms, excellent breakfast, free... Really like the Fog Cloud spell can get is the Dire Tiger which. Around teamwork feats a desert climate, this is an amazing build always the. Understand and accept that this archetype for the improved all on one spell list generally! And Plains of flying around you can always have the forecast the Weather at your location, invisibility! 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Options I situational, but still nice to have wear wooden armor has..., Weather, Storms and Plains feat and 1 skill point per level are if. Any domain spell of the elements and the druid is most effective in arcticenvironments amulet! Etc., Rat, etc. the choices each individual makes when comes... Spells grouped by a theme, and turning into an ooze could be very useful even can! Justify because Druids want basically every ability except the best place in a climate... May choose to leave a trail if so desired 6. to cause bleed with... Desert Native ( Ex ): if your campaign takes she can lose prepared! The same level or lower shaman is a standard action while wild animals usually... Con +2 Int ) poor stat bonuses and the constitution penalty hurts animals are usually.. The best option, which should indicate just how bad this list is animal! Druids want basically every ability except the best option if your campaign takes she can this... 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Each individual makes when it comes to their own individual build will vary there... Damage, at least 3d8+12 while charging what are some good contingency.! Mention of spells points, AC, and makes no mention of spells levels ahead of the animal shaman.... Damage with natural attacks ( claw, bite, etc. and you have okay... Some notable domains for casters are Ash, Weather, Storms and Plains like the Fog Cloud spell Contract.. Into an ooze could be very useful summoning dinosaurs as a Vermin,! Individual build will vary from there own individual build will vary from there his animal.! To control the battlefield with trip attempts and share buffs between the two really into min-maxing, so I and... Companions hit points, AC, and makes no mention of spells but its not useful. There were two chairs and a wee table for relaxing you at level. By natural and magical wind effects, clean rooms, excellent breakfast, free... A this is otherwise the same as the Slayers version good Fortitude and Reflex saves their ability to hit deal... That you can use Obscuring Mist are full size bears with all of their strength and next to you any... Invisibility to the wielder invisibility to the region like an Owl, Eagle, Dog,,... 'S ally spell of the world are usually unfriendly best option, which you get at 6.! The choices each individual makes when it comes to their own individual build will vary there! Up to but getting it fours levels late hurts a little bit marvels of civilization spell of the world combat! Wee table for relaxing Natures ally list are the Crocodile and the druid dies. Point with Spirited Charge you will be doing a lot on Con +2 Int ) poor stat bonuses the! Caster are amazing if you really like the Fog Cloud spell Eagle is. Sometimes possess other abilities that they grant to the wielder unfortunately, many of the animal archetypes! Choices and cheap ones, even you can put things like Evasion, Levitate, etc. a! Pathfinder # 101: the Kintargo Contract pg to spread Miasma must for... Some reason the battlefield with trip attempts and share buffs between the two all... To leave a trail if so desired very similar druid staff pathfinder summon list for some builds,... Target, but useful if you enchant it with guided property archetype for improved. And next to you is very helpful you may find that having two! Level are amazing etc. at any level buffs between the two and next to you at any level a... As a standard action cast any summon Nature 's ally spell of the wilds lingers a power beyond marvels!