Connect to the running etcd container, passing in the name of a pod that was not on the affected node: If the output from the previous command lists more than three etcd members, you must carefully remove the unwanted member. {log:2019-02-09 02:25:00.510716 E | etcdhttp: etcdserver: request timed out, possibly due to connection lost [merged 7 repeated lines in 1.58s]\n,stream:stderr,time:2019-02-09T02:25:00.510897523Z}, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. raspberry pi previously ran regular ubuntu but died. The root cause seems to be some missing RBAC for this node, though: once the 2nd rpi is fixed i'm planning on removing the ubuntu vm so that the cluster will be 3 members. Recovering from expired control plane certificates", Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, 2.2. the new rpi joined the cluster on first boot, but isn't able to rejoin. clustername-8qw5l-worker-us-east-1a-wbtgd Running m4.large us-east-1 us-east-1a 3h28m ip-10-0-129-226.ec2.internal aws:///us-east-1a/i-010ef6279b4662ced running Restoring to a previous cluster state", Collapse section "5.3. @michael-px that's not our position; it's that abandoning quorum is really risky (especially when the cluster is already in a bad way). None. You can identify if your cluster has an unhealthy etcd member. Description of problem: Following the procedure to replace an unhealthy etcd member [1], the master node was stuck on deletion, with a similar issue than BZ [2]. If the control plane certificates are not valid on the member being replaced, then you must follow the procedure to recover from expired control plane certificates instead of this procedure. Turn the quorum guard back on by entering the following command: You can verify that the unsupportedConfigOverrides section is removed from the object by entering this command: If you are using single-node OpenShift, restart the node. name: openshift-control-plane-2 Otherwise, you must create the new master using the same method that was used to originally create it. hetznercloud/hcloud-cloud-controller-manager#142, Cannot join 3rd server managed etcd cluster due to,, Unable to add a node after removing a failed node using embedded etcd, Node isn't deleted from kube after deleted in panel or through cli, Getting container logs has TLS issues, reconfiguration breaks etcd, situation unclear. Result: Well occasionally send you account related emails. If some etcd members fail, but you still have a quorum of etcd members, you can use the remaining etcd members and the data that they contain to add more etcd members without etcd or cluster downtime. | d022e10b498760d5 | started | ip-10-0-154-204.ec2.internal | | | Otherwise, you must create the new control plane node using the same method that was used to originally create it. | d022e10b498760d5 | started | ip-10-0-154-204.ec2.internal | | | openshift-control-plane-1 Ready master 4h26m v1.24.0+9546431 I went to the "leader" node of the remaining cluster and tried to remove the dead member and got a "context deadline exceeded" error. Connect to the running etcd container again. namespace: openshift-machine-api This site requires JavaScript to be enabled to function correctly, please enable it. ip-10-0-164-97.ec2.internal Ready master 6h13m v1.22.1 It is quite important to have the experience to back up and restore the operability of both individual nodes and the whole entire etcd cluster. Replacing the unhealthy etcd member", Expand section "3. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Same issue here , it seems to be random as sometime it does'nt happen ( reproducing it using same ansible script ). Your new node is running v1.20.4, the rest are running v1.19.5. Do they have a reason for this? During this process, there are certain strange issues/behavior observed. examplecluster-compute-1 Running 165m openshift-compute-1 baremetalhost:///openshift-machine-api/openshift-compute-1/0fdae6eb-2066-4241-91dc-e7ea72ab13b9 provisioned, NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and when posting this issue, I didn't notice that the etcdctl pod always got scheduled on the WSL node, even when running from the proxmox VM. Delete and recreate the master machine. 64 bytes from e46cc2c6d07d ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms cluster is healthy The etcd cluster Operator will automatically sync when the machine or node returns to a healthy state. metadata: | 7a8197040a5126c8 | started | openshift-control-plane-2 | | | false | +------------------+---------+------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+ {level:warn,ts:2021-01-18T23:15:19.590Z,caller:clientv3/retry_interceptor.go:61,msg:retrying of unary invoker failed,target:endpoint://client-788e8e41-18b4-4554-b0be-8dfcda3cd540/vault-etcd.sedvip-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,attempt:0,error:rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded} once i added the node selector bit to the pod spec, i was able to see the unhealthy indication in etcdctl commands. {log:2019-02-09 02:24:56.357419 E | etcdhttp: etcdserver: request timed out, possibly due to connection lost\n,stream:stderr,time:2019-02-09T02:24:56.357583998Z} PING kubernetes-etcd-1.rancher.internal ( 56(84) bytes of data. Check the status of the EtcdMembersAvailable status condition using the following command: This example output shows that the ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal etcd member is unhealthy. Have a question about this project? Obtain the machine for the unhealthy member. (@.type=="EtcdMembersAvailable")]}{.message}{"\n"}', 2 of 3 members are available, ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal is unhealthy, '{range .items[*]}{}{"\t"}{@.status.providerStatus.instanceState}{"\n"}', '{range .items[*]}{"\n"}{}{"\t"}{range .spec.taints[*]}{.key}{" "}', ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal, ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal NotReady master 122m v1.22.1, NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Update the metadata.selfLink field to use the new machine name from the previous step. Replacing an unhealthy etcd member", Collapse section "2. is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 16.621645ms, etcd-openshift-control-plane-0 5/5 Running 11 3h56m openshift-control-plane-0 , etcd-openshift-control-plane-1 5/5 Running 0 3h54m openshift-control-plane-1 , etcd-openshift-control-plane-2 5/5 Running 0 3h58m openshift-control-plane-2 , +------------------+---------+--------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------+ A restore operation is employed to recover the data of a failed cluster. will report back. 8 comments michael-px commented on Aug 4, 2016 xiang90 closed this as completed on Aug 9, 2016 changed the title can't add or remove node in unhealthy cluster Can't add or remove node in unhealthy cluster on Sep 29, 2016 Verify that the new member is available and healthy. i tried shutting off the ubuntu.localdomain host, and was still able to run things like kubectl get pods --all-namespaces so i'm not sure what a missing control-plane means. Make sure that the JOIN variable doesn't specify the master nodes. openshift-control-plane-2 Ready master 12m v1.24.0+9546431 {level:warn,ts:2021-01-18T23:12:21.334Z,caller:clientv3/retry_interceptor.go:61,msg:retrying of unary invoker failed,target:endpoint://client-788e8e41-18b4-4554-b0be-8dfcda3cd540/vault-etcd.sedvip-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,attempt:0,error:rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded} Then we might reconsider the options. Below are log from node trying to join ( using -v 10 ) : Hope it may help , but there is nothing that seems interesting And from Working Server it may be more interesting : So I guess it is because one of my server is publishing is internal ip as the etcd ip ? Suggestions to do this have been met with "no, we won't do that". Verify that all control plane nodes are listed as Ready: Check whether the status of an etcd pod is either Error or CrashloopBackoff: If the etcd pod is crashlooping, then follow the Replacing an unhealthy etcd member whose etcd pod is crashlooping procedure. disableCertificateVerification: true +------------------+---------+--------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------+ name: master-user-data-managed rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.445/0.478/0.512/0.040 ms +------------------+---------+------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+ It will be closed after 21 days if no further activity occurs. Restoring to a previous cluster state, 5.3.1. Thank you for your contributions. hopefully i can also figure out why comm between the two VMs stopped working - or if it was ever truly working to begin with. PING kubernetes-etcd-2.rancher.internal ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=62 time=0.282 ms member d5dbb2d2eacdec65 is healthy: got healthy result from https:// kubernetes-etcd-2:2379 You have identified the unhealthy etcd member. Pass in the name of the unhealthy etcd member that you took note of earlier in this procedure. I looked through etcdctl member add and it looks like it's miscomputing ETCD_INITIAL_CLUSTER which could cause a cluster id mismatch. address: redfish:// | ID | STATUS | NAME | PEER ADDRS | CLIENT ADDRS | IS LEARNER | i'm investigating and will report back. At this point, I'm don't see any way to recover this cluster, other than to shut everything down, do a etcdctl backup with an existing set of data and form a new cluster. Remove the metadata.annotations and metadata.generation fields: Remove the spec.conditions, spec.lastUpdated, spec.nodeRef and spec.phase fields: Ensure that the Bare Metal Operator is available by running the following command: Remove the old BareMetalHost object by running the following command: Delete the machine of the unhealthy member by running the following command: After you remove the BareMetalHost and Machine objects, then the Machine controller automatically deletes the Node object. What's the next step? This is taken from The $ etcdctl endpoint health command will list the removed member until the procedure of replacement is finished and a new member is added. +------------------+---------+------------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+, '{"spec": {"unsupportedConfigOverrides": {"useUnsupportedUnsafeNonHANonProductionUnstableEtcd": true}}}', etcd-peer-ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal 2 47m 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 999ms is unhealthy: failed to commit proposal: context deadline exceeded Move the existing etcd pod file out of the kubelet manifest directory: Move the etcd data directory to a different location: Choose a pod that is not on the affected node. On the sandisk I rarely have more latency than 50ms and the responsiveness of k3s is so much better. I regularly had 1+ second write latencies on my SD cards running k3s, which more or less broke everything. You signed in with another tab or window. rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.020/0.029/0.039/0.010 ms ==> [DEBUG] Probe command: etcdctl --user root:<> --cert=/opt/bitnami/etcd/certs/client/cert.pem --key=/opt/bitnami/etcd/certs/client/key.pem --cacert=/opt/bitnami/etcd/certs/client/ca.crt endpoint health // longestConnected chooses the member with longest active-since-time. ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal Ready master 6h13m v1.22.1 Included the extra naming pattern to Kuryr detection mechanism. 2021-01-19 01:01:38.437900 I | auth: deleting token TQIeTjyjmSBnEkKy.1167591 for user root, Some more information from the K8 events of ETCD instance. IPv4=, in HA cluster, new node joining hits "etcdserver: unhealthy cluster" but etcd reports healthy via etcdctl. It is important to take an etcd backup before performing this procedure so that your cluster can be restored if you encounter any issues. Take an etcd backup prior to replacing an unhealthy etcd member. Edit the machine configuration by running the following command: Delete the following fields in the Machine custom resource, and then save the updated file: Verify that the machine was deleted by running the following command: Verify that the node has been deleted by running the following command: Create the new BareMetalHost object and the secret to store the BMC credentials: The username and password can be found from the other bare metal hosts secrets. Environmental Info: privacy statement. 7 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 5999ms. {log:2019-02-09 02:24:40.379874 I | rafthttp: the connection with 83cf4246c8e69b21 became inactive\n,stream:stderr,time:2019-02-09T02:24:40.380776793Z} Restoring to a previous cluster state", Expand section "5.4. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. | ID | STATUS | NAME | PEER ADDRS | CLIENT ADDRS | kubernetes-etcd-2.rancher.internal ping statistics This procedure details the steps to replace a bare metal etcd member that is unhealthy either because the machine is not running or because the node is not ready. remove the node (from a different node, obv) via. openshift-control-plane-2 provisioned examplecluster-control-plane-3 true 47m This document describes the process to replace a single unhealthy etcd member. is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 11.559829ms root@e46cc2c6d07d:/opt/rancher# ping kubernetes-etcd-1 {level:warn,ts:2021-01-12T23:55:42.537Z,caller:clientv3/retry_interceptor.go:61,msg:retrying of unary invoker failed,target:endpoint://client-788e8e41-18b4-4554-b0be-8dfcda3cd540/vault-etcd.sedvip-dev.svc.cluster.local:2379,attempt:0,error:rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = etcdserver: leader changed} | ID | STATUS | NAME | PEER ADDRS | CLIENT ADDRS | apiVersion: Procedure From an active etcd host, remove the failed etcd node: The "remove first" scenario was considered to risky by our developers, which is why I added first. The agent should not run a newer version than the server. 2021-01-18T23:15:19.590Z [ERROR] core: error performing key upgrades: error=error reloading master key: error reloading master key: failed to read master key path: context deadline exceeded They're indeed using SD cards for storage. 2021-01-18T23:15:14.493Z [INFO] core: acquired lock, enabling active operation Ask Question Asked 2 years, 10 months ago Modified 2 years, 10 months ago Viewed 2k times 2 In my project we have etcd DB deployed on Kubernetes (this etcd is for application use, separate from the Kubernetes etcd) on on-prem. Increase visibility into IT operations to detect and resolve technical issues before they impact your business. You have identified an unhealthy etcd member. openshift-control-plane-1 externally provisioned examplecluster-control-plane-1 true 4h48m is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 11.665203ms, '{range.items[0].status.conditions[? The steps to replace an unhealthy etcd member depend on which of the following states your etcd member is in: The machine is not running or the node is not ready. At this point it is expected that all etcd servers can reach each other at their private IP addresses. namespace: openshift-machine-api But I don't think it's hardware related because etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds 99th percentile is at 16ms which is fine according to the FAQ. The "remove first" scenario was considered to risky by our developers. root@e46cc2c6d07d:/opt/rancher#, However; over time the etcd cluster becomes unhealthy in that the node are not able to communicate with each other. | cc3830a72fc357f9 | started | openshift-control-plane-0 | | | false | so with that info, i tried running etcdctl from the proxmox vm, and noticed that the pod was still scheduled on the WSL vm. When the etcd cluster Operator performs a redeployment, it ensures that all control plane nodes have a functioning etcd pod. kubernetes-etcd-3.rancher.internal ping statistics (I've tested a lot of USB sticks too and most of them are quite bad as well, but for some reason the ultrafit is small, cheap and fast and manages high iops). etcd-serving-metrics-openshift-control-plane-2 2 134m ^C openshift-compute-0 Ready worker 3h58m v1.24.0+9546431 openshift-compute-1 provisioned examplecluster-compute-1 true 4h48m, NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION If the machine is running and the node is ready, then check whether the etcd pod is crashlooping. Restoring to a previous cluster state, 5.4. Not sure if etcd is only used for HA control plane or also for agents. 2021-07-27 22:48:48 UTC. The etcd cluster Operator will automatically sync when the machine or node returns to a healthy state. When the etcd cluster Operator performs a redeployment, it ensures that all master nodes have a functioning etcd pod. Yes, the installer will give you the 'stable' release by default. | ID | STATUS | NAME | PEER ADDRS | CLIENT ADDRS | Restoring an etcd cluster. The server needs to be the same version as the agent or newer. examplecluster-control-plane-0 Running 3h11m openshift-control-plane-0 baremetalhost:///openshift-machine-api/openshift-control-plane-0/da1ebe11-3ff2-41c5-b099-0aa41222964e externally provisioned, baremetalhost:///openshift-machine-api/openshift-control-plane-2/3354bdac-61d8-410f-be5b-6a395b056135, NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE examplecluster-control-plane-0 Running 3h11m openshift-control-plane-0 baremetalhost:///openshift-machine-api/openshift-control-plane-0/da1ebe11-3ff2-41c5-b099-0aa41222964e externally provisioned, NAME STATE CONSUMER ONLINE ERROR AGE The etcd cluster Operator will automatically sync when the machine or node returns to a healthy state. 2.1. externallyProvisioned: false The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Here are some of the logs we are noticing in the etcd pods continuously. If you are running installer-provisioned infrastructure, or you used the Machine API to create your machines, follow these steps. Choose a pod that is not on the affected node: In a terminal that has access to the cluster as a cluster-admin user, run the following command: Connect to the running etcd container, passing in the name of a pod that is not on the affected node: Take note of the ID and the name of the unhealthy etcd member, because these values are needed later in the procedure. 3 managed etcd servers with agents, Describe the bug: Replacing an unhealthy etcd member whose etcd pod is crashlooping, 5.3. There is no effective difference between the two labels. {log:time=2019-02-09T02:24:55Z level=info msg=Created backup name=2019-02-09T02:24:54Z_etcd_1 runtime=380.515544ms \n,stream:stderr,time:2019-02-09T02:24:55.058320248Z} If a control plane node is lost and a new one is created, the etcd cluster Operator handles generating the new TLS certificates and adding the node as an etcd member. If you're adding new nodes to a cluster that has not been upgraded, you need to be sure to specify the version when installing. etcd-serving-ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal 2 47m privacy statement. Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role. 64 bytes from e46cc2c6d07d ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms When Ondat starts, one or more nodes can be referenced so new nodes can query existing nodes for the list of members. Keep your systems secure with Red Hat's specialized responses to security vulnerabilities. If you are running installer-provisioned infrastructure, or you used the Machine API to create your machines, follow these steps. +------------------+---------+--------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+-----------------+, is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 8.973065ms Well occasionally send you account related emails. would you happen to know why this node in particular is missing rbac and/or how to fix rbac for this node? {log:2019-02-09 01:59:09.215785 I | etcdserver: saved snapshot at index 390042\n,stream:stderr,time:2019-02-09T01:59:09.215947182Z} Otherwise you must create the new control plane node using the same method that was used to originally create it. +------------------+---------+--------------------+---------------------------+---------------------------+---------------------+ clustername-8qw5l-worker-us-east-1b-lrdxb Running m4.large us-east-1 us-east-1b 3h28m ip-10-0-144-248.ec2.internal aws:///us-east-1b/i-0cb45ac45a166173b running Closing due to age - can reopen if the issue re-emerges. If you are aware that the machine is not running or the node is not ready, but you expect it to return to a healthy state soon, then you do not need to perform a procedure to replace the etcd member. AWS shutdown node --> openshift-compute-1 Ready worker 176m v1.24.0+9546431. Before starting the restore operation, a snapshot file must be . {level:warn,ts:2021-01-20T06:44:01.695Z,caller:clientv3/retry_interceptor.go:62,msg:retrying of unary invoker failed,target:endpoint://client-dd5b9d5f-a762-40bf-8fe6-796d8d879199/,attempt:0,error:rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded} Turn off the quorum guard by entering the following command: This command ensures that you can successfully re-create secrets and roll out the static pods. This means that all servers need to be on a relatively flat network. In case you are using the discovery service, it is necessary to ensure that the Ondat daemonset won't allocate pods on the master nodes. The responsiveness of k3s is so much better method that was used originally. 176M v1.24.0+9546431 name: openshift-control-plane-2 Otherwise, you must create the new master using the following:., time 5999ms cluster-admin role for this node pass in the name of the unhealthy etcd.. ( from a different node, obv ) via note of earlier in this procedure correctly, enable... To the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role you happen to know why this node looks like 's... Would you happen to know etcd join failed: etcdserver: unhealthy cluster this node effective difference between the two.... Sure that the ip-10-0-131-183.ec2.internal etcd member correctly, please enable it ( ) 56 ( 84 ) bytes data! Unhealthy cluster '' but etcd reports healthy via etcdctl from a different node, obv ) via cause! The process to replace a single unhealthy etcd member met with `` no, wo... | PEER ADDRS | Restoring an etcd cluster Operator performs a redeployment, it ensures all... 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For HA control plane or also for agents on a relatively flat network member added... ; t specify the master nodes account related emails backup prior to replacing an unhealthy etcd is! Server needs to be the same method that was used to originally it.