Which One Is Correct Crueler Or Crueller? Would you teach me how this sentence is structured? Administer Narcan if you have it. Vanessa: Howve ya been? And because you can study English online whenever you want, 24/7, you'll find it's easier to learn even more. Why did my papers get repeatedly put on the last day and the last session of a conference? See if you can answer these six questions: This is about pronunciation. Hold it 8-10 inches away from the shoe. Definitely! You may also wish to use this opportunity to connect with the other person by talking about current affairs or, a favourite with the British, the weather! Responding to howve you been doesnt need to be stressful in the slightest. I make new lessons every day so follow me on Facebook and YouTube! In short, this is a casual conversation starter when two people havent seen each other in a while. Adding, In terms of register, how have you been? is a. , you must pronounce the question with the above abbreviations. I reply to all the comments on my videos! How to Spell and Pronounce Difficult Words, Not bad! This can be used to get information about what someone is doing, or to get them to do something. 6. English Everydayis an English course with24/7 live speaking lessonsfor English learners who wantunlimited speaking practice with native speakers, professional teachers, and students from around the world. Unsubscribe at any time. If I am meeting you for the first time, is it appropriate to ask, How have you been?, When someone asks you,Howve you been lately?, is it correct to answer, Ive been feel great!. Good is a very simple word to show that youre fine and your life is on track. Either its going good or bad. No, that doesn't really work. SPEAKLIVE face-to-face with a native teacher every day. Ive been working too much, Need a Break! Well or very well: This answer is the most grammatically correct since the question "How are you?" should technically be answered with an adverb. They do this when asking how someones life has been going in general since a point in time (usually when you last spoke to each other). 4. Vanessa: How have you been? Ive been focusing on my career and Im starting to move up the corporate ladder. ': What's the Difference Between Them? SUPER BONUS: More than 5,000self-study lessons, The online English courses we provide atKris Amerikos have it all: they are flexible, effective, and deliver real and lasting progress. They might want to have a conversation about your vacation. In general, "how have you been" implies that the person asking has not seen or spoken to the other person in some time and is inquiring about how they have been since they last met. The online English courses we provide atKris Amerikos have it all: they are flexible, effective, and deliver real and lasting progress. How to respond to "What have you been doing these days? know how long it has been since they last saw each other, which makes adding the since clause unnecessary, redundant, and time-consuming. Enter your name and email below to get English tips to your email inbox. I have been busy with work and other activities. Duped/misled about safety of worksite, manager still unresponsive to my safety concerns, Garage door suddenly really heavy, opener gives up. Trying something new every day. If action has started and is still going on we can ask "how long have you been doing that", right? Not all sunshine and rainbows, but its OK. also add and you? or what about you? and find out how the asker has been since they last spoke to each other. I have been doing well. Has there ever been a C compiler where using ++i was faster than i++? A serious online English course has great teachers with a personal approach whohelp you grow and appreciate the language. "Drought response has been improvised, spotty and belated," said Dave Owen, a professor at UC College of the Law in San Francisco. You may need to . Like with everything, most of the meaning is in the intonation rather than the words. My thoughts: I think they work. Related Read:Classy Alternatives for How Are You Doing? Gabby's Tip - Please note that we don't use the word . My office routine is hectic. They may get a better idea of your abilities through a clear and direct answer as well. Often it is little more than a convention to get out of the way at the start of the conversation, and not much importance is attached to it. What Does It Mean When They Say Oh Mylanta? Ive had highs and lows but trying my best to manage things. Gabby: Lucky you! You havent seen them in a week. How are you? Nothing to complain about at least. Edit and update your resume. Should Pineapple Belong to the Citrus Family? However, its certainly appropriate to answer with a brief sentence or two about what youve been up to since the last time you saw them. Pronunciation tip: to sound like a native English speaker, you must pronounce the question with the above abbreviations. They help you reach your personal goals and get the most out of the time and money you invest to learn English. Here are a few frequently asked questions about our online English courses. When you look at this question on a piece of paper, you see How have you been? But when we talk, we actually speak fast and we use contractions. Hence, practice all the short and long replies discussed above to start using them in your daily routine. However, using the same dry-reply every time someone asks you how have been wouldnt let you impress your listeners. Couldnt believe life could get this better! Notice there is a big difference between a delicate how are things? and a blunt hows things?! I'm asking about grammar. Remember, with that verb feel we need to put -ing at the end. This makes the question inappropriate to ask someone who we see regularly. "How long have you been doing that for?" I've been working non-stop lately. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. "Well, I go swimming every morning, you see." ! or how the devil are you?!. This helps to continue the conversation as it shifts the attention back to the person initially asking you how youve been. How can't we find the maximum value of this? This is polite, but it's not necessarily a serious inquiry about the other person's well-being. And tell us how youve been! Our method will help you get promotions, pay raises, larger contracts, new clients, and more. Our tools for individual study, group lessons and personalized individual lessons will help you. I heard about your breakup. I have been working a lot. Need some help actually. Preparing for the next conference. 9. If its appropriate to give a longer response, you could choose to mention activities youve been doing recently. Writing 101: Are Plays Italicized or in Quotes? Although be mindful that you may make the other person feel bad in comparison or look like youre showing off! The project seemed easy, but unfortunately, it isn't! Check below to learn more about its grammar: the present perfect. Which question asks for more information about someones life? What is a faster, more native way to say I have been? I havent seen you since my last yearly checkup. Keep the sentences short and sweet and end them with a strong short general statement. 8. Just caught the flu yesterday! ), you could come up with a 'how have you been?' or better still, 'how have you been doing?" . Enjoying life and nothing else. ", Question form of "he is the 6th son of his parents". 1. Regardless of the context, it is always good manners to ask how the other person is ding in return. Adding you know how it is' to the end of a negative statement helps keep it light-hearted and shows that the speaker isnt interested in going into too much detail on the topic. Its been so long! As an option, you can answer with "fine thanks" or "fine thank you". Recently, Gabby and I taught you how to answer the question, How are you? Today were going to teach you something similar. What woodwind instruments have easier embouchure? What 'specific legal meaning' does the word "strike" have? Please sign in to rate this answer. Ive been busy with work and Im trying to take some time for myself now that the semester is over.Or they may give a more negative answer, such as Not bad, but Im really struggling with my taxes this year.. The best way to answer this question is to be honest. Some examples are; Been better! Additionally, you can ask the other person how theyve been after you respond with your simple answer. How have you beensince I last saw you?, How have you beensince we worked together?, How have you beensince you broke up with your boyfriend?, How have they beensince the loss of their parents?. Learn vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar while speaking with teachers and other students. We can use how are you? with anyone, from someone we have just met to someone weve known our whole lives. That sounds fine too. How have you been? is for when you want to have a conversation with someone you havent seen in a while. If you are quite familiar with the other person, you could opt for a less formal you alright?, which usually elicits a yes Im alright, thanks reply. Did someone ask you, how have you been? What does this mean, and how should you reply to it? Im also open to any suggestions that you might have! It is also quite direct and often seeks a positive and short answer! Single-word and short replies are acceptable such as good not bad not great and been better. Avoid chewing someones ear off with everything that has happened in your life. Depending on the person you're talking to, you might choose to give a bit more specific information. This is why it is important to know a few other different ways of asking how are you (and replying) in English. Gabby: Ive been busy working. There is no one right answer to this phrase. Seems like medicines have started showing their magic. How many numbers can I generate and be 90% sure that there are no duplicates? "To all you tabloids out there, you have been f*cking with my life since I was 13 years old," Barrymore said in response to her words being twisted. They had been looking for a while and needed the extra bedrooms and space for their growing family. What with preposition "for"? It is not possible to catch up with someone we dont already know. But, what if its a real friend who you havent seen for a long time? In terms of register, how have you been? is a polite way to ask someone a very intimate question about their life without being direct about it. How you been? would get the response I been good and subject + past participle is not possible in the English language without have/has/had in the middle. Does here miss "have": "What you been doing in there?". Preparing in advance helps: You will want to let the interviewer know you were busy and active, regardless of whether you were out of work by choice, or otherwise. This is a really great way to keep a conversation going. This is the simple answer. However, you don't need to repeat the entire question unless you want to be very dramatic. How are you doing today? Examples are: Never better! By Trace William Cowen Jun 06, 2023 How do you reply? The expression "what have you been up to" is a way of asking someone what they have been doing recently. Our online English courses are made to be accessible to everyone. This phrase says that youve been struggling with your life, allowing you to skip the details. 6. This question acknowledges that its been a long time since you last spoke and you need to catch up. Life has been never this amazing before! Ive no idea how to respond to this question. I can tick it off the bucket list. Any other combinations? If action is a thing from the past should we ask "how long did you do it"? I havent seen them in ages! Below are ways of answering that could be friendly, fun and engaging. Unlike other cultures, you do not have to particularly know this person very well, or at all, to ask how they are. Re-training the entire time series after cross-validation? Pas grand-chose Not much. How to describe one event that preceded the other with "was" or "had been"? If you however don't need the ObjectList, you can just use: CounterParty.objects.filter (object_contractor__id=1) Share. Or we can give longer replies but remember to add but you know how it is, but it has its perks, or another general statement to soften a negative reply. This is a direct inquiry about how a person is feeling in general. Is it gramatically correct to ask "what were you doing this summer? Gabby: Vanessa, I just saw you post a photo with Alyssa and Laura. For example, if someone sees a spill on the ground, they may ask what are you doing? to see if the person will clean it up. All of tese questions are asking the person how they are doing, but in different ways. New day, old me, just doing routine stuff. English Notes In: Vocabulary How to reply to "How have you been doing lately"? It is an open-ended question with countless possible answers. In these specialized online English courses, with the support of our expert teachers, you will acquire exactly the knowledge you need. How have you been is a way to ask someone how their life has been since the last time you saw or talked to them. How have you been is a pretty common question. It is a casual and lazy way to ask how have you been?. How To Reply To "How Have You Been Doing Lately"? But don't just take our word for it! Non, je ne vais pas bien I'm not doing well. We cannot ask how have you been? when meeting someone for the first time. The meaning of this phrase depends on the context. you should answer with more than just a short word like "Good" or "OK". It is very British too to use phrases like not too bad or even could be worse. Level Up isa unique, cyclical method that guarantees yougrowth in just 12 weeks, but many students are able to make progress even faster. To use this question appropriately, you need to learn that how have you been? always has an implied since clause. "Can you describe your actions from around 10am?" Ive been feeling great lately. Ive been working a lot lately. Ive been busy studying these days.. 1. If your goal is to successfully pass theIELTS orTOEFL test, study English for a trip, or speak business English confidently, then common English phrases are often not enough. 3. There's a lesson almost every hour and you can join all of them and also, you canreview all record lessons. Is it possible to open and close ROSAs several times? It is not considered being too familiar. Heres another example. This is a perfect time to explain the alphabet soup after your name and, most importantly, why it is a benefit to that. Youre suffering from no disease, no financial issues, and youre enjoying a perfect life without nearly zero problems. We want to avoid dampening the conversation with negativity, so be honest but keep it light-hearted. This is also appropriate for someone whos new to somethingmaybe theyve just moved into the area, or have just started a new job. This is an example of how to answer honestly while keeping it relatively short. "Around ten years.". It is usual practice and polite in English to follow up a greeting (such as hello, hi or good morning) with a how are you? type question. However, in general, if someone is feeling good lately, they may feel happy, energetic, and optimistic. Weve got you this blog to help you learn the accurate replies to the phrase how have you been. ", How to use 'would have been' properly (in this case). If people ask, how are you? they often dont expect you to reply, well Ive got a bad back and Ive been feeling a bit depressed lately. Find out more about, Learn more about Teaching Business Catalyst. It means how has life been for you since we last spoke? instead of how are you right now?. Then it's time to make sure you know how to react when someone asks "How are you?" Sounds easy, right? This would be the perfect time to use the present perfect form of the question. If you arent feeling good and still dont want to sound like a bad English speaker, then use this phrase. There are, however, some circumstances where you might want to be honest with the other person, particularly if its a friend or family member. The Herald of Hell: Sabrinas Dark Destiny, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet An Enchanting Sci-Fi Adventure, Evaluating the Gaming Experience at 300 Mbps, The Pyramids Of Giza A Testament to Manual Labor, The Life Story of Aretha Franklins Son Clarence Franklin. Make new friends in new places around the world and maximize your travel experience. We use "how have you been?" when a lot of time has passed since we last saw or spoke to someone, and also we can use this phrase we want to start a conversation . It can therefore be useful in business contexts with existing acquaintances. Instead of I have been, say Ive been Using contractions will help you sound more native. . This phrase isnt used with people whom speakers are meeting for the first time. There is no one right answer to this phrase. Simple: SSRS taskbar on the very right, click on "Details view", it changes to "Tile view" and the list shows hidden objects. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Nothing much, just taking it easy! A coordinator will ask a few questions about your home buying or selling needs. Don't you just tell people how you feel? Her goal is to help everyone, whether native English speaker or not, learn how to write and speak with perfect English. There are a number of ways to answer the question How have you been doing? depending on the context and relationship of the speaker to the listener. Some players have reported that if you're stuck in the "1 minute left" Diablo 4 queue for an extended period of time, you may be able to fix the problem by closing the game, fully restarting . Why is there current if there isn't any potential difference? The best online English courses online are the onesthat allow you to make real, long-lasting progress. How have you been? is the present perfect tense. Meh! So come on over and explore our wide range of content today! Speaking about a wide range of useful topics that will improve your confidence and fluency. "I used to go swimming every morning." Single-word and, . rev2023.6.8.43485. If you attended a visa application centre, you should not visit one until you have been contacted . Just add -ing, and that will make your sentence sound better and give the person more information about how you have been. "I go swimming every morning." This is the simple answer. Dont be afraid to use these tips and remember that if you want to learn them you need to practice English every day. As always good! Is Present Perfect Simple possible here? Usually, when someone asks, how have you been, there is an implication that its been some time since youve spoken or seen each other. "How long have you done that?" The answer is Howve ya been?. I wonder if I can say "How have you been these years" and "How have you been in recent years" to someone who I haven't talked to for several years. Sophia received her BA from Vassar College. I wish I could shoot this sun! It is only possible to express this with the present perfect tenses and any other form is grammatically incorrect. Which means it is a lot more interesting if we do things differently from time to time. As global educators we always have friendly and professional teachers ready to help you. Tell me what is going on in your life.. I want to know how you are doing RIGHT NOW. Dont want to dig deeper into the details of your life? Circle the other correct ways to ask how have you been?. ", We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows, Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action, Which is correct? For example, if you run into a friend at the store that you havent seen in a few weeks, you might ask them how have you been?, This isnt a question you would ask someone youve never met before. What could I say if someone meet me after the 6th month, he would say. A three-letter word, meh is used informally to tell the listener that your life has been a mess. Note that it is more polite (or we would even say, more formal) to say thanks or thank you after your response. Let us show you how English can grow your bottom line. In short, this is a casual conversation . Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Plus, you dont want to talk about it. What Is The Difference Between Preforming And Performing? What woodwind instruments have easier embouchure? Means pretty much the same as the first. We can put it at the end: Just enjoying this beautiful weather. It is for this reason that they respond to the first phrase with I'm fine! instead of great! or wonderful. Is it possible to determine a maximum L/D possible. Not always. Our tools for individual study, group lessons and personalized individual lessons will help youtake your English to the next level. Its a polite way of asking how have you been coping (since the change or bad event)?. A few examples are: Cant complain, life sometimes turns out to be weird. 2. 10. I think in general they all sound a bit better with a for at the end. Try to practice this as much as you can. English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Making the most of my day. Pass the dryer over the shoe a few times and then set it down. The List of 5-Letter Words Starting With C, The Grand List of 5 Letter Words Starting with S, Easy-to-Memorize 5 Letter Words Starting with I, List of 5-Letter Words Starting with Vi - Show Off Your English Skills, Crack Wordle With this List of "5 Letter Words Starting with A", Characteristics of living things that differentiate them from nonliving things, 13 Little-Known Facts About Periodic Table. vs. "I have been here *for* so long. We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows, Statement from SO: June 5, 2023 Moderator Action, (did not listen) vs (was not listening) (past simple vs past continuous), Difference in meaning in narrative tenses. The best Go Natural English tips are in this audio eBook. No. Instead of using wordy phrases, you can just say could be better to show how much you want your life to settle down. If you continue to use the site we'll assume you agree. 2. Why does Ash say "I choose you" instead of "I chose you" or "I'll choose you"? But because you care about your friend and you knew he was sick, it would be better to ask How have you been? He can respond by saying Oh, Ive been great, or Ive been feeling much better.. "If you talk to people at the board, they will bluntly tell . If you always reply Im fine in the same way each time, you risk also being seen as insincere. How are you? means how are you right now, at this moment?, We can only use how have you been? with someone we know and havent seen for a long time. If you learned a lot from this post, you might want to also read this post about how to answer the question, How are you? Thanks for learning English with us! The second is about things you may have finished. "For ten years, until I moved away from the coast. Here are some ideas: Explain your education, certifications and designations. answered 15 mins ago. The answer will be "Am ok" or "A. Or maybe since the last time you spoke on the phone. The most effective online language learning school. 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