However, some people would feel do not want to volunteer because they do not see what is the point of it when it has nothing to do with their plans. it should be available during one of the most crucial stages: high school. Understanding which fears are getting in the way and how to overcome them will make all the difference. I concede a community service for a career exploration, but this should not be a requirement for graduation because it is unfair to people who have career plans. schools should let students know about volunteering opportunities and possibly let them sign up for the school. The first reason community service should be mandatory is because for years service learning has been closely correlated with scholastic achievement. Concludes that community service hours are a great way to rise to the top of someones resume pile, but forcing the hours is not the way. community service is defined in the cambridge advanced learners dictionary as, "work done for free, that carries along with it a slave labor tone.". The high school students have various things to see and learn. Easier volunteering opportunities could cause the frenzy of college admissions to remain constant, but it could also reduce it due to the amount of low-income students who could then choose to. it helps small companies, teaches responsibility, helps find students a job, and shows hiring jobs and colleges how good you would be for the position at hand. It is a great way to get your foot in the door of a company that you would like to work for once you graduate, which will allow you to build a strong resume while doing something positive for the community. h to work with children in elementary level classroom; I helped them to be prepared for a special dancing and singing mixed event in the other side of a church. Are you terrified of screwing up a job interview? It was found that incorporating community service activities into a class room sett Community service has become a requirement for an eighteen year old student to get admitted in an university or to pursue a paying job. teachers may use programs like blackboard to communicate with their students and set up projects. Albert Einstein, one of the smartest men to ever live, is quoted saying "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.". This will allow you to help others thrive while still benefiting your personal life. States that community service has been around since the existence of communities because communities cannot exist without the participation of their members. Analyzes how stood by her integrity, with a persuasive stance as to what is important to ones value system, even though the supreme court refused to hear the case. Some people suggest that everyone between the ages of 18 and 21 should be required to perform one year of community or government service.Such service might include the Peace Corps Environmental Conservancy Corps a hospital the military a rural or inner-city school or other community outreach projects. it combines a strong social purpose with acknowledgment of the significance of personal and intellectual growth. Should Community Service be Mandatory? Opines that graduation is a big part of anyone's life, and disallowing it can be devastating, especially for small problems. she refused to submit her volunteer hours as required, thereby in disobedience to the rules. In a 2009. about New York City schools that implemented a community service graduation requirement, the New York Times found that there has been a shift away from meaningful community service. In its purest form, community service has positive effects for both the volunteer and the community. While community service sounds good and beneficial for strengthening skills and membership in the community, it was met with poor results and strong opinions against its requirements. Thus, most community service hours that are done dont relate to their academic classes or technical area. Community Service Is An Important Part Of Personal And Professional Development, 11. Opines that students nowadays are lazy, do-nothings, but some are actually trying to get ahead in a system that keeps adding on to the already extensive list of prerequisites to graduation. Opines that making students serve one hundred hours of community service would be like an unnecessary punishment to the innocent. this idea is flawed and detrimental. The Southerner intends for this area to be used to foster healthy, thought-provoking discussion. All comments are reviewed and approved by staff to ensure that they meet these standards. They should be able to help others by their own choice. middle of paper Community Service and Service Learning Defined: Persuasive Essay On Volunteering In College, Rhetorical Analysis When Volunteerism Isnt Normal by Lynn Steirer, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. Job seekers want to know what type of charitable efforts your company is involved in and those efforts should be featured prominently on your company's website under your company culture section and on social media. she reviews the history of the program initiated by president clinton, who apparently believed community service should be compulsory for graduation. Explains that community service hours can teach a graduating student responsibility. In addition, working together with co-workers on different tasks outside of the office is great team building and could potentially lead to better work performance and pride in the workplace. some people enjoy to work at community services while others don't. it gives credence to our moral fiber and is thought provoking for the audience. Opines that community services can help people find their careers if they have to do with people's goals and plans. I think that community service is something that everyone should do. Although I am involved in many community service, I personally believe that it should not be a requirement. The majority of students who engage in community service activities tend to perform slightly better in school than those who do not do any sort of service education. Here are three reasons why every company should consider taking part in community service: Businesses that have the means usually try to give back through a variety of channels. Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. That was the textbook definition of community service. But notice how it says voluntary?, that means doing something on your own free will if I remember correctly. As Great Neck school district superintendent William Shine told the. Community service is an essential part of a company's employer branding efforts. Community service can provide you with the opportunity to triumph over your difficulties, which will allow you to feel accomplished about yourself. Satisfactory Essays. Explains that webster's dictionary states the meaning of the word "volunteer" which states, a person who enters or offers to enter into any service of his free will. they worked with chemically dependent children as caretaker and mentor, and taught at-risk children in a community youth outreach program. Opines that if schools wanted to encourage community service, they shouldn't force students to do it. Whether you are creative or a good writer, there is a community service project out there that you will be able to excel in. While community service will most likely not be an appreciated profession among most people, it is still a great way to improve your public speaking skills. the school board turned its back on the principle for which it was named. After I graduated, I taught at-risk children in a community youth outreach program. Talk to me, I can help! How do you stand on the topic? Describes how they visited a local nursing home in rock hill, south carolina, called westminster towers, where they participated in hours of physical therapy. Knowing that a company is socially aware and that they have an opportunity to do some good is an attractive perk for job seekers looking for their next career opportunity. Adding community service to that would be detrimental to students success. undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service.. It can sometimes be easy to quickly look at these posts, say, "Oh, that's nice," and move on. Opines that as technology increases in the classroom service learning will improve as long as the technology is efficiently used. Service is Good. The pay and benefits are similar but, ultimately, the employee chooses your company because they're impressed with your community service efforts. Many organizations also provide additional training and workshops for those who wish to learn more about the industry, which is a great way to get your foot in the door. Volunteering can have important benefits, such as learning new skills, building compassion, and becoming a more responsible citizen. In short, it shouldnt be a requirement. He or she should not be forced to perform the community service to make their college application look better. Explains that this article is from the corporation for national & community service and its purpose is to simply answer any questions the reader may have about service learning. Some companies are unable to commit their entire workforce to a full day of community service and will instead offer their employees paid time off, also known as volunteer time off (VTO), to pursue community service endeavors on their own time. Students may not ever want to help people after they graduate because they will fell like its only something they do for school and they already got credit and . The importance of workplace community service projects goes far beyond the good deed itself. Explains 's purpose was to persuade her audience that volunteering should not be mandatory. Click here to grab your free copy of 40+ Business Breakthroughs available exclusively on Amazon. Schools should let students know about volunteering opportunities and possibly let them sign up for the school so that it is easier for them to do so if they want. There are pros and cons to both sides of the argument. Analyzes how pathos' essay touches the very core of american integrity. Many people struggle with various challenges and obstacles that prevent them from fulfilling their dreams. Aug. 3, 2022, at 3:57 p.m. Volunteer Work for High Schoolers More For high school students who are undecided about a career path or college major, volunteering can help narrow down potential areas. forcing people to do things in school makes them not want to. Community service is an extremely valuable activity that provides numerous benefits to not only the community but also to yourself. Community service becomes easily assessable for it is the one of the best ways to teach a sense concern and sympathy to other individuals. Many students simply fill the hours, with no significant takeaway. Hours get handed out to students for tasks as easy as helping carry books across the school or helping set up for an open-house event. Your email address will not be published. Community Service Is A Great Way To Build Your Confidence, 15. While community service sounds good and beneficial for strengthening skills and membership in the community, it was met with poor results and strong opinions against its requirements. Explains the difference between community service and service learning. Making it about quality, not quantity, is beneficial to students and the community. Professionally The community service projects that students perform during their teen years could benefit them when they begin their job search. A community service requirement takes away the root of volunteerism: that it is voluntary. This is important in the world we live in today where there are so many opportunities for them to make a difference. Opines that not all students or parents support community service as an additional criterion to required coursework, since students don't learn the true value of giving their time. Recommends working in big brother and big sister programs as this can change the life of a child. If you want to improve your community service efforts, continue reading below to find out why community service is important to get involved with these projects. Also, if a school makes each student complete at least 24 hours of community service to graduate, every student in the school will graduate with the exact same amount, which means hundreds of students are going to the workforce with no advantage over the other. Proposes a proposal that replaces mandatory service work by allowing volunteers to participate in the community. Sometimes you might not be aware of which obstacle is getting in the way of your goals. community services have methods and supplies that teach people like they are students in specific classes. Analyzes how set the tone early in the essay when she said "this forced me to make a decision." No effort is too small! According to an article written by Forbes, after tracking 70,000 jobless citizens, they found that those who volunteered were 27% more likely to get a job. Then for years two and three it would double the number again, to 300,000. Argues that community service is transferable if all colleges require it. They should be able to help others by their own choice. There are a thousand jobs to choose from. Opines that community service should be practiced by everyone, but it should never be forced. the employer doesn't see much value in the service anyway, since employers only want to see if the student has done any work relating to their c&t area. students should not feel enslaved when trying to pass high school. Explains how students can use the internet in service-learning to positively benefit their communities. Providing the availability of a group that participates in the community is a proposal that should replace that of mandatory service work. However, some people do not agree with community service supporters. September 14, 2022 by Jess Most high schools in the United States do not require students to complete community service hours to graduate. According to a 2017 Deloitte Volunteerism Survey, 89% of those surveyed believe that companies that organize volunteer and charitable activities offer better work environments than those that don't, and 70% agree that companies that sponsor such activities have a much more pleasant work environment. However, that hasnt been the case for most students. Making community service mandatory could possibly get students to get out there and make a difference and perhaps these will be the first steps for a lifetime involvement in their communities and in the constant pursuit of growth and betterment in their lives. they believe that community service is something that everyone should do. the school board turned its back on the principle for which it was named. Community service provides an excellent way for you to gain practical knowledge about new topics that are related to your career field of choice. Copyright 2000-2023. Ive found that while most people first join the club to fill the graduation requirement, they continue to volunteer even after their hours are filled because of the satisfaction theyve gained from the experience. In a 1999. , researchers from the Society for Research in Child Development studied the meaningful implications of community service. Community service helps to boost self-esteem by allowing individuals to put their skills and talents into action. There are many reasons why community service should not be required for graduation. Argues that community service is special because the people helping the community are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts, not because they need to or because someone told them to. Explains that this is simply an online educational dictionary that they used to get the definition of community service. Volunteering and community service tend to be two of the most popular charitable activities because they allow the workforce to get out of the office and build bonds between the business and the community. A student should desire to work voluntarily. Argues that high school students should not have to serve one hundred hours of community service to graduate because they already have enough on their plates. The districts emphasis on mandatory volunteerism is an oxymoron. Opines that students should have to complete community service hours to graduate. Many people suppress their dreams of succeeding in certain areas because they lack the confidence to accomplish their goals. Argues that schools should not require 100 hours of community service as a graduation requirement because of the busy lives of teenagers and the pressure of graduation. Explains that family members of nursing home residents often believe that putting them in nursing homes is the greatest way of taking care of them. People who partake in community service are usually driven by their desire to help others, and this is an admirable characteristic. Requiring students to take part in community service to graduate from high school can actually reduce their later volunteering, new research suggests. Argues that clubs and extracurricular activities are a way for students of all race, gender, and socioeconomic status to come together and help the community. Opines that steirer does not give a lot of detail or facts regarding why and how president clinton came to call forth his mandate to the schools. According to Kate McPpherson, director of Project Service Leadership in Vancover, WA, community service emphasizes the habits and skills of volunteerism (McPherson 2002). One great thing about community service is that it can provide you with a sense of purpose. website design is especially beneficial for students and teachers because of the wide variety of skills. Voluntary work intended to help people in a particular area. That was the textbook definition of community service. But notice how it says voluntary?, that means doing something on your own free will if I remember correctly. Maryland's statewide requirement that all . it teaches students responsibility, shows teachers and colleges what kind of student and person you are, and may even help our students find a career. Community Service Prepares You For The Real World Community service can provide you with a lot of valuable lessons that will help out in the real world. Community service provides great opportunities for you to learn valuable leadership skills while still being able to help those in need. she reviews the history of the program initiated by president clinton, who apparently believed community service should be compulsory for graduation. Community service can provide you with a lot of valuable lessons that will help out in the real world. it should be available during one of the most crucial stages: high school. Opines that volunteering can make a huge difference in the lives of people in need. Finally, many people feel that community service is not a good way to . Mandatory service work should not be put into action due to the amount of students who have activities that take priority over service work. While this incident occurred in New York, these same tactics happen at Grady. Argues that a community service requirement should be allowed for learning and an experience together. 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