However, my boyfriend is very social and outgoing and has a bunch of friends as well as many hobbies. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Your girlfriend is a lonely person with little or no friends. It doesnt matter if shes happy or unhappy or whatever. Think about this relationship. A disturbed childhood can range from getting bullied at school to having the worst kind of family. you honestly just sound like u just want your girlfriend to have other people to lean on too! They will need her to spend long hours solely dedicated to them. He has had this same issue with me and the bottom line is that I am usually finding myself regretting the time I spend with others and not enjoying it as much as if I'd just stayed home by myself. I'd also recommend not spending all your free time with her and establish boundaries around your personal time to ensure you neglect yourself. In situations like this, she might turn rude. And as a function of getting older, I've lost touch with a lot of my old friends, friendships run their course, etc and haven't really replaced those people, but I'm happy with that. Tell her that if this continues, you might lose touch with them; if that happens, she will be responsible for that. Not hang out with friends. On the other hand, your girlfriend has zero plans for her future (even in her twenties). if she isnt contributing anything new via her interests, hobbies, friends, etc. She never knew the importance of education. Not really sure what you're talking about wrt personality and success, that doesn't have anything to do with what I said. Think deeply about it? I thought it was weird that she didn't have any hobbies outside of Netflix. I do things with them by myself when she is at work and she always says she wishes she could come. On top of that, I have to bust ass for this job and the last thing I really want to do is spend all of my free time and desperate pursuit of meet ups and hobbies. Are you sure she has no hobbies? He was concerned because he ASSUMED he had to stay in with her because he did not understand that its her personality. She is awesome and I really like spending time with her. She has lost all interest in things that she once loved. I would think she could just be a person with desire to be at home, which is okay. it's okay to concerned about it! There is an expectation that a partner should fulfill all of the others needs. Tell her,You need to meet more people. She needs to know what she really wants in her life; no one but a professional can help her with this right now. I really want to spend time with my wife, but if I'm not spending time with her, 9 times out of 10, I'd rather be by myself. Be courageous and ask her to look for meaningful jobs that pay good money. The early stages are often marked by intense and passionate emotions that gradually temper with time. You are tolerating an insensitive guy for all the wrong reasons. He might even think that this decision is completely out of the blue and come at you with accusations about how he cant believe you dont want to spend time with him anymore or make an effort to make things work between the two of you when all he wants is your companionship. Think about your purpose in life I recently wrote an article for alive magazine, and interviewed life coach Lynda Monk, MSW. This is whats happening with your girlfriend. She didnt even finish her major, which doesnt bother her. We completely trust each other and could, but chose not to, be more social. Archived post. Its easy to feel defensive or blamed when your partner says she needs more space, but you shouldnt take it personally. In the last 6-8 months, I've noticed that our relationship is really starting to tilt towards a dependence on me. When I socialize, I have to go home immediately to wind down and be alone. He says he remembers me being nice and helpful so he stayed with me the remainder of the night and we did some work together. It's similar for me. Just keep in mind that a relationship should be TWO happy people coming together to share their happiness. i dont have many hobbies besides the gym as im not really great at anything and never got into anything as a kid. Are you in a relationship where your partner seems to have no life outside of you? Here's the thing. I broke up with her. Does he not have any from the past? But if she doesn't mind the occasional night at home while I'm out then I shouldn't worry! She went for easy money instead of finishing a major that could have landed her a well-paying job like you. Especially when she doesn't even get to recharge by binge-watching netflix. I am very introverted and spent a lot of time with myself. Admittedly, there are some things I prefer my boyfriend and I do together. Introduce your boyfriend to any of your close friends who share mutual interests so that he can spend time with them as well. Plan fun things for just the two of you. She loves easy money and jumps from job to job, which is extremely underpaid. Sooner or later, she will become this person with huge emotional baggage that you will have to carry around (metaphorically). Honestly I feel like my partner and I have had very similar conversations, and as a result I have tried to be more social, but honestly, after working full time, commuting, cooking, cleaning and mentally organising the household, I'm tired. But thanks for the write-up! He may be smothering you or taking up most of your time, which makes it difficult for him to get to know others and make friends with them. She can show you some things she is interested in and it might help her explore them more while also giving you a chance to model how you use your hobbies to engage with others. The person who's a little more guarded. She is lazy and directionless because she feels overwhelmed with the idea of spending so much time on a job or education. I wasn't saying her cat is a negative thing. I do have a ton of hobbies, dogs gardening, crochet, sculpting, etc, but I easily don't leave the house or talk to people on my days off. If this continues to bother you, then you will have to accept that the two of you are incompatible. The result stands before you with a series of errors in judgment. You Are "Everything" To Your Partner Being someone's "everything" may seem romantic. As stated before, there will be times when each person in the relationship would benefit from spending some time apart so they can focus on themselves instead of always putting one another first. Your girlfriend is very insecure and feels that you might leave her. Is it healthy? Or take turns planning dates exploring things that interest you. If all of these issues sound familiar, then there is a chance that this type of lifestyle isnt healthy for either party involved and should probably change sooner rather than later. One hundred meters, huh. But I find it fucking hard, Id say Im most defiantly introverted and finding someone is so hard. But, if you'd be happier with a partner who shares your love of going out and doing things, or if you want a partner who's more active, then this might be an indication that there's some incompatibility in this relationship. Unless she says anything or shows any signs of unhappiness in the relationship, I don't think you have to worry about anything. I feel like her world revolves around me and it's unsettling, because it's a lot of pressure to constantly maintain her emotional state, let alone mine. Your girlfriend seems lazy and directionless because she probably is depressed. I have to talk to people all day at work, so I really don't want to spend my free time talking to more people (my kids and boyfriend don't count as 'people' because it doesn't tire me or stress me out to talk to them). Trust, the times when you're too busy to hang out she probably treasures as her alone time. However, you can also try to help her to gain focus for a secure future. They love to procrastinate everything, and they sulk when things go out of hand. There are multiple answers to this question, and I will help you find the right reason. To ME, I thought he was hanging around because his usual work friend was on medical leave. Im a homebody and an introvert. She also knows that her directionless life is the root of all her problems, yet she can deal with them effectively. What exactly are your hobbies? Anyway, me (F, 19) and my girlfriend (F, 18) have been together for almost a year now (We've kind of known each other for 3 years but didn't really become close until 2019) and it's not going so great.. We're both still in school and living with our parents. This kind of relationship is healthy and leads to a more fulfilling personal life for you as well as your partner. On the other hand talking to someone you just on the street of maybe at a convention (next week is a huge gaming con I am attending where obviously tons of people with shared interests would be) but just going up to some girl and chatting her up always feels creepy in my mind. The plot twist is that the true crimes are their own and the blog exists to taunt the FBI agents working to apprehend them, if only they knew where to look. It's men that are the problem. She has a cat and works out occasionally but outside of that there is nothing. Women are all perfect no matter the size, attitude, actions, or attitude. Some people are just not interested to seek for more friends, and that is fine. This sounds like my husband and me, and its called Codependency. They get along with my girlfriend, but I still would like to keep my own relationship with my friends, and not be the guy that brings his girlfriend with him every single time. 4. By the end of the night we bonded. Maybe she has a rich inner life and isnt really an activity oriented person. Why is she like this? He said she is a cat lady, and works out. A lazy and directionless attitude toward life can affect ones future in this fast-paced and competitive world. I'm an introverted person and prefer my off work time to be on the quiet side. Hes Busy With You Even When Youre Not Together. A cat isn't a person, but cats do provide companionship. I do all this on my own time and my boyfriend isn't always aware of it. She is your woman who knows how to keep you happy. Open Privacy Options No one advised her to choose her major wisely. Have you ever seen her leave her room? That he definitely became. I was in a similar situation. But I've just learned to let it go. Give her some time to cool down. Now, if she is upset that you do other things to fulfill your life instead of sit with her it is a problem. In situations like this, people tend to feel lonely and often need help from a close person. I see what you are saying though. You will have to make an informed decision, so I have a list of things you can do to deal with this situation. I also love tennis personally whereas my boyfriend isn't a huge fan, but I'm trying to drag him into it anyway so that he can be my double's partner LOL. Some folks can be really needy, in that she really, If she has no hobbies, that's fine for her if that makes her happy. 1 Focus on your own interests. It might help to have a mutual friend or family member present when you do sit down with him so he doesnt feel alone in the world. Her lazy and directionless nature can adversely affect your life if you are in a serious relationship. it's all ok! But before venturing into solutions, I would like you to know a bit more about her situation and the consequences of her attitude towards her life. To her, you're not even Plan B. You're Plan Z. He is the author of "Cosmopolitanism" and "The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen.". I always invite him, but he never wants to go and that's up to him. There will occur many such occasions when your girlfriend will talk to guys who have an open or secret liking for her. There was a time when she worked hard to climb up the career ladder fast. Reddit, Inc. 2023. We've been together for four years, and in that time I've never cheated on her. It's starting to feel like she's content with spending Friday's and Saturday's tagging along with my social circle and not seeking to bring anything of her own to the relationship. I love her, and it sucks for me to even say the words but: but she really doesn't have a life of her own at this point. For that, keep scrolling down. She likes you, shares an apartment with you, and stays in the big city but have you ever visited her folks place on the outskirts? Realistically, a relationship will only work if both people in the couple have their own lives and friends. Her lazy and directionless attitude worried you so much that you arrived here, looking for reasons and solutions. A LOT. She feels content with being underpaid. That she doesn't love them, provide for them, interact with them, or derive companionship from them? The chances are high that he has told his friends about you, and they know how emotionally he is . In a perfect world, both partners would work toward the success of their relationship. you never know she might start to make friends in your friend group or even evolve to get a hobby on her own. There's no reason for you to feel responsible for her social life; if she has no friends, chances are it's because she doesn't care enough to find them. My boyfriend and I can talk for hours, make each other laugh, and have fun when we go out. A relationship has to satisfy both people. You're making unfair assumptions that's she's somehow unhappy not being with you every night. Since you were ten, you have planned your life with achievable goals. His lack of interests will eventually dull the relationship to the point where both people are miserable because they no longer enjoy each others company due to all the drama and constant bickering that will occur when there is nothing else keeping you two occupied. Some of the links on this website are affiliate links. My Girlfriend Doesn't Trust Me- Here's Why & How To Fix. She bails on you more frequently than she actually shows up. Unless your boyfriend takes initiative to make changes in his life, it would probably be best to let him go because this type of lifestyle isnt healthy for either party involved. Encourage her to take baby steps to get her own lifea hobby, school (even take one class for fun at a junior college), an instrument, anything. Your problems with her lazy and directionless lifestyle arise from your middle-class upbringing. Neither of you should be giving up your autonomy for someone else, nor should you expect that someone else is going to fulfill all of your needs. If she works, and socializes with her coworkers during the day, hits the gym, comes home to feed and play with the cat and eat dinner with some Netflix hey I say power to her. 11 Signs You're in a Narcissistic Relationship What To Do If You Feel Lonely In Your Relationship As you can imagine, what it comes down to is communication. Sometimes, routine is the best way to combat this issue. She cant even pay rent with it. She knows that I have a dog I spend time with and I play video games so I keep myself entertained even during personal time while we are together (shes over my place around 4 times a week). You guys are stark opposites of each other. Maybe she's just extremely introverted? Is that coming from you or is that coming from her? #2 - Miss Control Freak I just don't want her to have to rely on me for any outside connections. She has decorated and customized it with a lot of love and care to suit her needs. My hobbies are simple: reading self help books, taking care of our animals and plants, hiking, watching YouTube tutorials, and listening to podcasts. I'm starting to get the feeling like it isn't healthy anymore. She will eventually find her true passion and do something about it. But, sometimes, when . I know right. Financial independence is extremely important in this expensive world. Shoot, I don't even text anyone except her for the most part. If your girlfriend fails to understand that, she will face the consequences. Also some of you need help. It can be very healthy for couples to have times apart where they are not co-dependent on each other for companionship and support. There are plenty of things in life you can settle for: this year's vacation destination (sigh, maybe next year, Amalfi Coast), the car you put a down payment on, your cell phone provider. She does things with my family, my friends, and doesn't seek to engage in any hobbies or activities with other girls her age. Note, just because there's nothing wrong with her being introverted doesn't mean that it can't be an issue in your relationship. He saw those things as a challenge and he wanted to become the one person I can trust. I started thinking about it when I realized how much fun we have when we go out with my friend group. Go out with your friends . He mentions elsewhere that she enjoys hanging out with his friends. Ah, no not at all. Let your girlfriend figure it out on her own and leave her alone about it. I'm gonna disagree there. My view was that since my things were BIGGER, But they're not BIGGER. If she does want to start a new hobby or meet new people, then by all means help her out. Does she have a problem with sitting inside watching Netflix? She earns peanuts for salary from it. First, here are four signs that hes too dependent on you: 1. SHE IS GOING OUT WITH PEOPLE. my girlfriend has no time for me. Money is also tight for the most part (SO and I moved in together not too long ago and were still adjusting to bills). She also doesn't have any hobbies. If you have known her for a while, you will also know whether she can be helped or not. :-). You are basically Sheldon Cooper. People have parents, siblings, or friends who guide and drive them towards success. She might enjoy being on her own and doing "nothing" I know when my work goes through stressful times I LOVE it when I get a "pj" day where I can sleep in and watch TV etc (I don't get to do this anymore though as we have now had a baby). I usually hang out with my boyfriend on weekends because that is our designated time to hang out and spend time together because we both have 9 - 5 jobs on the weekday. Maybe she enjoys watching movies, I'm usually a pretty introverted guy myself but this feels like taking it to an extreme, Right, consider that there is such a thing as being an extreme introvert. Her fun, lazy and cozy life has taken a dark turn towards depression, and she is probably struggling with it without knowing what it is. Over time, I resented her for never leaving me enough time for solitude to the same extent that she resented me for needing time alone and not having my own friend group the same size as hers and not wanting to constantly meet new people all the time to feel happy. You might do more damage than cure. but don't worry yourself over anything if she hasn't had a problem with it so far? She works out, she handles her household, she hangs out with her cat and she watches Netflix. But you might also face the brunt of being too close to her. Does it bother her that she has only 1 friend and very few hobbies? And that was too much for me. Then he, who would later become my SO, started working in my department and within his first week I deemed him loud and self centered. My Girlfriend Keeps Talking About Her Ex (21 Things You Can Do). if she's happy hanging with you and her cat then that's how it is bit it's good on you to try to invite her to things. To me thats the definition of a boring person. My girlfriend is the same way; on her days off, she just wants to sit in bed and watch dramas the whole dayor nap. She fears committing to something that might take away a large chunk of her fun time. There isnt really an easy way to break up with someone who has no life outside of his relationship because its unlikely that he will be receptive to this type of lifestyle change. maybe you're the push to be more social that she's been looking for :), I disagree with most of the folks here. You know where you are going and have friends who share similar thought patterns. If it starts to affect you, bail out of this relationship. Youll get a better answer! And there isn't anything here that says that she is upset over a lack of friends or hobbies. My girlfriend has no friends or hobbies outside of me and it is starting to stress me out. She probably listens to music while working out, there's holes here that need to be filled but OP is upset his GF isn't more like him. In order to have a healthy relationship, both of you need to get your needs met. One great way to get around this is by scheduling a date day or two each week. Not to mention, when I see my boyfriend hanging out with his friends, I get so envious that I am having a hard time finding new friends, and it becomes a snowball effect. If you want a partner that has an engaged extroverted aspect to their life it is also a problem. 7. She was with me or alone . I've been dating my girlfriend (Amy) for nearly a year now. Cookie Notice Your boyfriend is an introvert: He doesn't like socializing because he is an introvert. Often, you don't do a thing and she figures out a way to react. She already thick, so I'm halfway there (Hahaha) Brown and bad, couldn't change my mind, I was halfway there. Does she consider it something she does because she particularly enjoys TV/movies or just something to spend time doing? Meeting people might attempt to reduce her zeal to stay alone all the time. Do you think that only socialization outside of work and home in physical spaces together is socialization? I had a good girl, but had a life besides having her. There's no problem staying inside all-day if that's what you enjoy doing. I love her, I like to spend time with her, I could see us having a future together. He is treating you as a playdate and it is best that you keep yourself unattached for a while. I like my alone time. If you arent sure about her condition, dont try to help her on your own. Why don't you think working out or watching media are hobbies? He's just not interested in those things. Its perfectly reasonable that you would want your boyfriend to develop his own interests outside of you. She cannot just expect someone to take care of her for the rest of her life while she goes around being lazy in the comfort of her cozy room. If she continues this life, she will slowly get engulfed by her darkness. My boyfriend has no life outside of me!. Even if it's just gaming or something, ya know? If she was constantly complaining to you about boredom, or loneliness, then you have an issue. She isn't talking about say, TV shows or movies, or working out, or cats, with coworkers or on the telephone or online? This means that if you purchase a product through the link, we get a small commission at no cost to you. She is too lazy to work on her skills. "My purpose is to live my best life through doing and being everything I can do and be," she says. There is a difference between my girlfriend has no friends and no life and wants to be with me every waking second and my girlfriend is introverted and doesn't have a lot going on outside of the 2 of us. It just means Im content without others. This is me. I have a stressful job. Doing things in your life that aren't going to work and passively consuming entertainment. We were in an LDR for 6 months when I moved to another city and it was fine, I made friends there, I was social and went out with coworkers, friends, etc. Not sure where you live, but it sounds like you don't interact with the kind of women that have hobbies. Your planned outburst might give her the necessary nudge to get out of bed and do something productive with her life. tl;dr: Despite bringing up the issue a couple months ago, girlfriend is becoming very emotionally dependent on me. You may be beginning to wonder if you're the only thing that matters to him. Aside from that Im so awkward, I have some social anxiety, ha. This way its still an intimate experience, but without taking up all of your time. Shes never going to change, this is who she is. Hmm that is a good point. Make her realize that you will no longer pay for her expenses and that she needs to pay her part of the rent now. She is happy with her underpaid job. 1. If your friends and family dont like him, it may mean that they see a red flag that youre not aware of. She is lazy, and she knows that. You can take her for a career counseling session. I love her and want to tilt the relationship back, but find it hard to bring it up because she gets super upset and it usually makes things worse. She is a confused person who isnt aware of what she is good at. Codependent is a real issue but being an introverted home body is not the same. I have roughly 20 hobbies, of varying levels of interest and involvement. If not stop worrying about it. In fact, OP seems to self-identify as such. She is your girlfriend. Thank you. This should essentially summarize the relationships thread. In the beginning stages, its easy to have this type of dependence because you like how accessible your partner makes you feel. Your girlfriend is too lazy to think about her future, and when she does, she has no idea how to get there. I say no 9 out of 10 times. You might even tell him that less is more when it comes to how much time the two of you spend together. You say you feel that you need to spend all your time with her or she's by herself. I'm a pretty easy going guy, I find it easy to make acquaintances and friends in a lot of places. And frankly, when I worked there most of our socializing took place at work, going places after work, and/or making plans at work. Look, you need to consider that she may be perfectly happy like this? What is your opinion? I do a lot of outdoors stuff like golf, tennis, biking. I will help you with it.This tone might annoy her to great extents. In her quest to go with the flow, everyone she knew has moved forward in their lives while she has remained in her low-paying, apparently convenient job. Thats when the rift comes into your relationship. When I first met my girlfriend, she had friends that she hung out with on a semi-regular basis. Her clinginess will increase if she keeps up this lazy and directionless lifestyle. If your partner is draining all of your time, here are some ways to deal: 1. She sees friends 3-4 times a month. I guess she has never really said anything about it. Otherwise Im perfectly okay with him doing his thing and me doing mine. It sucks! Monica Geller once famously said to Rachel, Welcome to the real world. Get the latest headlines on the Philippines and across the globe on ANC's 'Rundown' (8 June 2023) | Philippines, headline, ABS-CBN News Channel, globe Its crucial for her to get her own life bc if u broke up with her shed be lost. When one partner doesnt have any friends, the other person in the relationship may start to feel smothered or that they are responsible for their partners happiness. She wanted to go out at night but that was my time with my boys so, even though she came along sometimes, there was always pressure to invite her. It might just be that you are taking her "something" (watching Netflix on her own) as "nothing" because you don't consider it enjoyable to be on your own doing "nothing". My big issue is that I feel like I am the only thing going on in her life besides her job and it is stressful. I told my boyfriend about my depression and how it can make me closed off to the world, and since then, he's had a way better understanding of why I just want to spend time with him when I'm alone. They are limited, but they are trustworthy. Life coach Lynda Monk, MSW could just be a person with little or friends. 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