If you mean being a genius is that the prophets are intelligent wise people, then there is no question about this. It is consistent with their roles as prophets. They receive the revelation and are supposed to use various techniques and skills so that they may reach people and attract them to the wisdom of the revelation and lead them throughout their lives. In that sense, wisdom and intelligence is a useful tool that the prophet uses in order to fulfill his role and there is no dispute on this question. God chooses people not only because they are pious but also because they have the innate ability and skill set to communicate His message to the rest of humanity. To begin with our second program discussing the topic of persecution. "[1] By contrast, Ali Dashti (d. 1982) writes that "there has been much debate[] on the question whether the Qur'an is miraculous in respect of its eloquence or of its subject-matter, or of both. 2. Islam is the first religion and the only religion that God has revealed to all the prophets and the only valid religion according to the sound mind. There are many differences between the mujizah and the karaamah, including the following: 1. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. One day, he destroyed the idols without anyone seeing him. These interpretations claim that some verses of the Qur'an reflect prophetic statements about the nature and structure of the universe, physics, fetal biological growth, geology, mountain structure, and other phenomena that have been later confirmed by scientific research. [4] Kharq al'adad "a break in God's customary order of things" was a term used in "theological or philosophical discussions" to refer to miraculous events. Better ask for miracles' references. During the time of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) people came to him and demanded all kinds of miracles. It culminated in his ascension from the heavens into the presence of God. The history of writing in connection with the science and religion of Islam dates back to the works of Ibn Sina, Fakhr al-Razi, and Abu Hamid al-Ghazali, but has increased significantly in recent times. There are also a number of other differences between the mujizah and witchcraft, including the following: 1. All rights reserved. When Prophet Muhammad said this he was implying that the Quran should be considered a miracle. (Quran 5:10). The Holy Quran is the Divine Book - the miracle revealed to Muhammadfrom Allah. Allah The Almighty Says (what means): There is no prophet sent by Allah The Almighty except that his people denied, harmed and heaped accusations and lies upon him. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Islam however attributes these extraordinary events to the power of Allah. Furthermore, the country he was born in had not known much of civilisation or progress. [2] They are events brought about by, connected to, or performed by prophets. The lecture focused on the nature of prophet-hood itself and the basic fundamental characteristics of a prophet. From an Islamic standpoint, there are no extreme characteristics that prophets had as is shown in scriptures prior to the Quran. Those that are mentioned specifically by name are a total of twenty-five. How do Muslims view them? The disciples wanted to spread the message of Jesus by proclaiming the miracles they witnessed with their own eyes. [Quran 21:68-70] The miracle of Moosa (Moses) Allah The Almighty Says (what means):{And what is that in your right hand, O Moses? The other extreme that was quite clear in the Old Testament is to accuse prophets of committing cardinal sins that weaken their faith and moral character. Im your host hammock Rashid. Today we have our 62nd program in our series dealing with Muhammad, the last messenger of Allah. A miracle is an astonishing act that can only come about due to direct intervention from Allah Himself. This is Conveying Islamic Message Society (CIMS) - located in Alexandria, Egypt.About Us. When the Quran mentioned the twenty-five names it also indicated that these were not the only prophets that were raised to humanity. Indeed the Quran says, and there never was a people, without a warner having lived among them (in the past) (35:24) the warner in this context is the same as a prophet. I have joining me as usual on the program, Dr. Jamal betta. [3] I'jaz al-Quran literally the inimitability of the Quran refers to the Quranic claim that no one can hope to imitate its (the Quran's) perfection,[2] this quality being considered the primary miracle of the Quran and proof of Muhammad's prophethood. He used to speak to the dead and hear them. Another example of this type of miracle is when Prophet Salehs people requested he bring out from behind the mountain a she-camel and her offspring. These are: the Scrolls (of Ibraaheem may Allah exalt his mention), the Psalms (revealed to Prophet Daawood may Allah exalt his mention), the Torah (revealed to Moosa may Allah exalt his mention) and the Gospel (revealed to 'Eesaa may Allah exalt his mention). How, then, could such a person produce a work like the Holy Quran? (Quran 5:112). He would design the form of a bird from clay, breathe into itand it became a bird by the permission of Allah The Almighty. On the whole it is important to realize that there were some prophets, not necessarily all, who were given an ayah to implore the people, to appeal them and somehow attract their attention to listen. The Quran is most positive in clarifying that these miracles are not self produced by the prophets but are given to them by God: It was not (possible) for any apostle to bring a sign except by the leave of Allah. (40:78). It was a physical journey by night from the Holy. The only qualification that a Muslim would have for accepting a prophet as a genuine prophet is that at least his name should appear in the Quran. We are not denying that there might have been other prophets but to be sure of a prophet he must be confirmed in the last revelation of God, which is the Quran. The second qualification, this could be discussed in a separate session, is that the Quran indicates very clearly that Prophet Muhammad was the last of the prophets, which means that anyone claiming prophet-hood after Muhammad is not a genuine prophet. This second qualification is discussed in detail in a later section. Miracles are not magic, nor are they events bought about by righteous people. Host: Another manifestation that is sometimes misconceived as a necessity for someone to be a prophet is the performance of miracles. How do Muslims view the idea of miracles and does every prophet perform them? Jesus asked Allah to provide him and his disciples with a table of food. And excellent is the reward of [righteous] workers. Karaamah happened at the time of the Messenger and may occur after his time, until the Day of Resurrection; it may occur at the hands of a righteous close friend of Allah (wali). Also we find that in the early days before Prophet Muhammad started receiving the revelation of the Quran, revelation started with him in the way of dreams becoming vivid and coming true in real life. On the other hand a prophet may be given certain information by God for telling things that are going to happen in the future. This applies to many prophets of the Old Testament as well as Prophet Muhammad. There are many examples in the Quran of events and happenings being predicted and then actually occurring. In that sense a Muslim would not reject the notion of prophecy but they dont over emphasize that a prophet is only so because of having a prophecy. (Quran 17:59). They asked him to bring them proof of what he was saying, so Allah The Almighty supported him with the miracle of the she-camel. All rights reserved. Log in, //