Hey Great Post! But honestly, I used to be an extremely open person and it was the easiest to make a friend out of me. I Love taurus but the person who did this nailed it you are one stubborn bull. Additionally, you enjoy social activities and engaging conversations, and so you can be a bit of a flirt. You are not better than anyone else. Although this is a great quality for winning debates, it can be frustrating to the person who is always on the losing side. But far from it, your tendency to be indecisive will be at odds with a Virgos need to have things defined. People born under this sign have magnetic charm and can attract admirers. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Ralph Waldo Emerson. So why exactly are they the worst zodiac sign? Get over yourself. The Best & Worst Zodiac Signs to Date | Astrology Answers Are You the Best Zodiac Sign to Date (Or the Worst?!) When dating him, it can feel almost like you're on trial. They tend to be a bit bullheaded, but also enjoy peace and serenity. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. Unlike her zodiac stereotype, she is not that indecisive; she knows exactly what she wants but will also sacrifice it if she feels someone else needs it more. Aries is the leader of the zodiac after all. You can be jealous, possessive, and even controlling, but thats because you care deeply about the person. However, Aquarius zodiac signs are also undeniably original. His practical nature might be great in other situations, but love is about taking risks and putting yourself out there even when you might get your heart broken. A lot of people dislike Gemini due to their reputation for being disloyal (or only loyal to themselves). In the three spot, we have yet another self-aggrandizing hothead. But you're also stable, patient, and not really spontaneous. Money hungry, disingenuous and really jealous. well, I really enjoyed while reading your opinion about all the zodiac signs. Anyone who says Libra isnt volatile doesnt really know one. Hates hard work and will shirk it on others and steal the credit. 1. Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. Youre also lovable, but at the same time, you can be hot-headed too, so you probably shouldnt date a sensitive Cancer. Whether its intentional or not, I wont make the same mistake by letting them come closer to my heart. However, if youre already seeing red flags and then you find out that your zodiac signs are incompatible, thats when Id start reconsidering the relationship. This is ultimately what nets them such a high place on this list. Leo also wants complete devotion and commitment basically Loyalty with a capital L, Semos says. In this video, I will be breaking down the top 3 worst zodiac signs to date, the best zodiac signs, and the best astrology apps. Click here to get a FREE personalized numerology reading. Its not that Leo isnt fascinating and full of positive attributes (they are), its that their bright, Sun-like glow is often masked by their vanity, neediness, and fragile ego. Fortunately, astrology can make things less complicated. every zodiac is an equal life. My name is Ash and I'm the founder of High Vibes Haven. According to Semos, "Gemini could really get bored, and Cancer wont get deep emotional validation." NyRee Ausleris a writer from Seattle, Washington, and author of seven books. We are like that. In his opinion, They are the biggest babies in the world. It was really nice replying you, So it will be unwise to get entangled with an Aries or even a Sagittarius. Salish, Geminis are great! , Leo is where I belong! According to Semos, astrological compatibility isn't strictly a yes or no type of thing. Click here to get a FREE personalized numerology reading. Never marry one and never breed with one. Aries is argumentative to a fault and frequently demands that others follow their lead or buckle to their perspective. When this occurs, they can become pessimists, overlooking the good in their lives and focusing solely on the bad aspects. It just means you have to know the potential risks before putting all your eggs in one basket. Gemini. 4: Pisces: Clingy, basket case, has everything but is never happy. Lets get the negatives out of the way first. There are other zodiac signs besides my own sign that are also difficult to date. Ah, sweet, sensitive Pisces. You basically proved the authors point. Scorpios are very independent people, possibly because theyre jealous, possessive, and controlling lovers. jsTikTok.src = (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? After writing that, I still stand that the topic of this post is entirely a joke. Scorpio. Sneaky and overly competative. Im a Capricorn as well. Don't be too sure with these astrological signs. But people search for it, so I made it. But at their best, they are amazing human beings with vivid imaginations and unwavering loyalty! That can be extremely frustrating for a Leo who always wants definitive answers. Hence, the worst zodiac sign to date for you would depend on what your own astrological sign is. The concept of the zodiac first originated in Babylonian astrology and formed links between human traits and celestial objects. var isYTTikTok = 1; And guess what Im a Leo too. Taurus is less so but tends to be stubborn and quick to defend themselves. Worst Male Zodiac Sign To Date - It's understandable that not everyone believes in astrology; but, if you believe that your date, time, and place of birth have an impact on your personality, keep reading for certain signs that are more poisonous than others in male relationships.. They are ruled by the planet Venus and are highly compatible with Scorpios and Cancers. I agree w everything here except the Leo part. You will be better off with other earth signs like Virgo and Capricorn as signs from other elements could be one of the worst zodiac sign matches for you. Top 5 Worst Zodiac Signs. So other signs can correct the author but not Leos?! My little cousin is an Aries. I am doing cartwheels (in my head). See Also: When an Aquarius Man is Done With You 10 Signs Its Over. However, airy Aquarius is anything but traditional. Besides the fact that you both strive for perfection, you and Aries just dont have a lot in common to be a good match. Im a Leo and its true. If you dislike people who are frequently moody out of the blue and see everything through a subjective lens, then steer clear of Cancer. RELATED:7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Virgo (As Written By A Virgo). It's understandable that Aquarius would want to protect himself from getting hurt or being misunderstood, but it still makes him insanely hard to date. Worst at socializing? Leos are the type of person who pays for your drinks all night when youve forgotten your purse or wallet. Secondly, we all have our individual preferences when it comes to a potential partner. See additional information. Are you seeing a running theme here? They get nervous when under pressure, and this can affect those around them. To sum this up I have to say that zodiac signs dont completely define you, and you should never judge someone solely on their sign try to get to know them before judging on their zodiac sign, because in my experiences, it really depends on the type of person they are, not always their sign! Your devotedness will undoubtedly please a Leo. You may have heard the saying that our biggest weakness is what we will overcome in this life. They are innovative and revolutionary, with a progressive state of mind. He would rather me tell him exactly where I want to eat and what I want to watch on Netflix, even though I really DONT care Okay, I do caresometimes, but not always. The comment section is for everyone and I can disagree with the author of I damned well please! I have many friends Leos I have never met a better grouped of people of one sighn. Their happiness depends on finding their passion and giving it their all. 1. According to Semos, "Aquarius is all about 'power to the people,' while Capricorn is 'The Man' incarnate!" Let me know in the comments! About . After all, youre very practical. Most people took issue with how they were portrayed by Nino, understanding that relationships are a personal choice and what works for one person may not work for another. According to him, they should be avoided because They are controlling, sneaky, will lie to you, and these people are cold-hearted, bro. Drum roll, please. The only person more loyal than a Capricorn is another Capricorn. But theyre also unspontaneous and will always choose to play by the book. Aquarius is determined to make the world a better place. They might be upset with anxiety-ridden emotions, but when confronted, theyll often avoid talking about their feelings and instead take a passive-aggressive approach that insinuates you should just understand whats going on. Even if you try to meet a Cancer head-on in an attempt to work through emotions, theres a strong chance that youll still find yourself scratching your head. Scorpio is the transformative force of the zodiac. The position of the moon on your birthday reveals more about the true YOU than your zodiac sign. Taureans can be stubborn, and theyre not at all adventurous. I am scorpion and a shy personality ,i mean i overthink about result also but why you said that scorpion are the on of the bravest sign. Capricorns are an earth sign and are born between December 22and January 19. Avoid: Aries Arians are bold. Spends everyone elses money, doesnt really believe anything or care about anything but their own image and will resolve to tare others down to make it so. Im an Aries. As a Leo, thank you for your opinion lovely and kind Gemini . She is very dedicated and hard-working. Capricorn Right away, many people who read this might go side-eyed at number one. This is something I definitely agree with as my Pisces boyfriend is an absolute snack! Krista Budgen January 24, 2023 Let's get this out of the waywe've all got flaws. We bond like nothing else. People with the zodiac sign Cancer are born between June 21st and July 22nd. Taurus and Leo are the zodiac signs most likely to engage in a fight, due to their fiery, passionate nature. Lets get the awkwardness out of the way. If you want to know if YOU are an old soul, then check out my article 50 Clear Signs Youre An Old Soul. You enjoy originality in your partners and are accepting of their quirks and kinks. Shots fired. But I do.. go Leos. Despite ranking them 12th in this list, there are no denying Tauruses are amazing people who have all the attributes required to live happy and productive lives, and if they let you get close, they become great friends. When a Leo is in good spirits, they are highly creative beings who inspire others to share their innate passion for life. Geminis tend to be indecisive and struggle to stick to their decisions. A TikToker named Nino thought he would help out his fellow man by telling them what the top five worst zodiac signs to date are. You like to have harmony and balance in your relationships and become a pleaser to achieve this. RELATED:7 Brutal Truths About Loving An Aquarius (As Written By One). And while Gemini isnt actually terrible, they do have enough less-than-ideal qualities to land themselves on this list. Which zodiac sign are you and which are your favorite signs? I also find it funny that he stabbed the god who my zodiac sign is literary shares it name with.) He loves home and his loved ones, he is very loyal. Aries, it's easy to see why you'd be attracted to Capricorn. The knowledge can help you avoid any drama and save yourself time and stress. RELATED:7 Brutal Truths About Loving A Sagittarius (As Written By One). Scorpio is very hot and cold when it comes to dating. (Ares), I totally agree with everything you said and even though my star sign wasnt in the top 5 I definitely agree with putting Leo on top, all the Leos I know are just amazing and definitely deserve the recognition. A Capricorn is married to his job, and you may find yourself competing with lots of paperwork for some attention. SLAY QUEEN, someone who actually gets me from a GEMINI. Ok enough of berating Tauruses, its time to redeem myself by looking at some of their amazing qualities. Another factor that contributed to Taurus being ranked bottom, is their tendency to be possessive. It makes him feel like he's tied to someone forever instead of just getting to know a friend on a more intimate basis, if you want to get technical. I recommend Numerologists numerology report as its free and personalized. They are highly calculative and leave a humiliating and hurtful impression on others. Love from a Taurus. This is 100% because Virgos and Pisces are sister signs. They enjoy living in the excitement of the moment and can risk it all. They tend to pounce at any opportunity to be combative, and theyre perfectly okay with this side of their personality. Now weve reached the top three best zodiac signs. Im a Aries and I believe every statement you made it was all true. Clearly, theres a lot of reasons someone could be hard to date, but it doesnt mean you shouldnt date them at all. I didnt expect that Leo is the best sign but Im a Leo but it really doesnt matter about your zodiac,but mostly your personality and attitude. VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) Virgo is a very self sufficient sign who doesn't really think there's anything he can't get in a relationship from himself. Blah blah blah. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Again youre bold, exciting, and impulsive. For this reason, an Aries is the worst zodiac sign to date. I hope you enjoy this article! Theres so much involved, including making sure theres more than just a physical attraction. He would rather keep you at arm's length instead of let you in completely because it makes him feel better to know he's in charge. I wouldnt change my South Node at all! But, Aries redeem themselves with their incredible courage in the face of adversity. Born between August 23rd and September 22nd, Virgos are highly compatible with Pisces and Cancers. I think it still depends on the individual. Theyll often make a ton of mistakes by never thinking things through to the end. Scorpio is naturally distant because he feels like he should protect his heart before opening up to someone instead letting himself be receptive to love. Your email address will not be published. But if you want a more traditional relationship, that can border on abusive, especially if Virgo allows themselves to be steamrolled.. They also have a tendency to follow their impulses without considering the consequences. Because 99% of Leos will all say that they are unanimously the best zodiac sign. The article isnt quite amazing, either. Scorpio and Aquarius are considered the smartest zodiac signs. A water sign born between February 19 and March 20, Pisces are considered to be the most empathetic, sensitive, and intuitive sign of the zodiac. They can also be rigid in their views and unwilling to compromise if they dont agree with anothers perspective. Weekly . To get the full picture, you should also look at your numerology. Its a subjective judgment call. People with this zodiac sign are born between May 21st and June 20th, and they are most compatible with Aquarius and Sagittarius. People of this sign prefer to be spontaneous and do not enjoy routines and traditional dating as you do. Cap rarely makes the top of lists like this. This is what you get for being loyal ig. Well, for starters, Tauruses tend to have a very stubborn side which frequently makes them impossible to win arguments with. Libras are the most charming individuals. If you need practical advice, youre sure to get it from a Taurus. He also loves the chase more than he loves the catching the person he's chasing. Theres a reason I googled this. We are the center of the attraction. . A Cancer, meanwhile, approaches things cautiously; it will take some time before they trust you enough to commit. They are power-hungry and hold resentments like no one else can. He's naturally a very private and aloof person, preferring to be on his own instead of being vulnerable in front of someone else. var jsTikTok = document.createElement('script'); but, thanks for making me read tis! Im a leo and I like ariesexcept for my hubby (i love him), Thank you! Cancer. Im a leo and this is true. Total buzzkill, Semos says. They love to travel to spiritual places, and are wholeheartedly extroverted, making them great companions for an adventure. So I choose them just based on an overall sense of how their shortcomings affect themselves and others. They tend to be impatient and dislike theories that dont align with their common sense. One of the worst things about Scorpio is that you always have to be on the lookout for subtle manipulations. These natives tend to make them look like a victim in almost every bad situation which is not a good trait. People who put virgo, cancer and capricorn on top their opinions doesnt matter. Libra thinks if it commits a crime everyone should pay. And they will lash out at those who hurt them with derogatory, hurtful, and traumatic remarks. And its that sentiment that ironically places them on the top of this list. Born between November 22nd and December 21st, those with a Sagittarius zodiac sign tend to make promises they cannot keep. They transform their pessimism into practicality and are highly disciplined, responsible people who have incredible self-control and rarely allow others to lead them astray. "Reading your own chart (or having your chart read by a pro) can give you insight into everything, Semos says, from your flirting style and how you want to be wooed, [to] what matters the most to you in a relationship, how much independence you need, how traditional or non-traditional you might be, who youre immediately drawn to and if thatll ultimately satisfy your deeper emotional needs.". In my list of the best zodiac signs, I have considered the good and the bad points of each of the twelve signs and ordered them from worst to best. Im the child of the zodiac. Although you love engaging in debates, your beliefs are just too different to make it work long-term. No, i am one and I think it is fine. Sending you lots of love and blessings . You want the traditional courtship. People see them as "two-faced," but their adaptability makes them better communicators than anyone. Its not all bad though. You could ask ten people to compile the same list and every list would likely be different. These diplomatic beings are dedicated to fairness and will do anything to keep the peace. Scorpios seem to get a bad rep for emotional distance, but also emotional manipulation. According to Semos, Virgos also loves to serve, while Aries loves calling the shots and taking all the taking. Its so fascinating to read about how signs are viewed or described by professionals. However, depending on your zodiac sign, you might be an easier person to dateor not. Maybe YOUR sign is the worst. Theres a reason why were the Zodiacs ONLY actual apex predator and the astrologers system itself os behind Leo as the best PLACEMENT for a Sun sign. Related: Which Zodiac Sign is the Meanest? "Aries wants to do as they please, while Capricorn likes to be in control," Semos says. Aries spot on this list is pretty straightforward. Theyre smart, charming, and have a way of making you feel understood. So who is the best zodiac sign among all then? And if youre a deep person, watch out as well, because Gemini may be intelligent, but they prefer to only scratch the surface. In my opinion, there are many different personalities to each of the zodiacs and people may not relate to their zodiac sign. "Unless there are other influences in their charts, the power dynamic might be too stiff to make it work.". isYTTikTok = 0; I can call or consider someone as a friend, but I dont let myself getting attached to them on a spiritual level. I wrote it because people search for it. Here are the five worst signs according to experts: 1) Virgo. An Aquarius like you is imaginative and adventurous. The men are also sneaky, rapey and often have serious drug and alcohol problems or other. It also plays right into his personality, which is often seen as flighty and impulsive. I have a few BFFs, but they make me feel left out and hurt me several times. Their negative qualities are few and far between, but they are prone to having a superiority complex and believing they know everything about, well, everything (like which zodiac signs are the best). The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. They are also known for being one of the best looking signs of the zodiac. I am Leo and I am happy. The thing with Aries is that they thrive on excitement; they move fast and act on the romance at the moment. How signs are viewed top 5 worst zodiac signs to date described by professionals have harmony and balance in your relationships and become a pleaser achieve! This zodiac sign is literary shares it name with. and others is not a good trait and theories. Aries or even a Sagittarius ( as Written by one ) under pressure, and are accepting their! 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