. The parent / guardian will be required to provide a signature for their waiver as well as attend the classroom briefing. All Abilities. Are there any health restrictions? Its mission is to make your dream to fly real by offering you wings you can use in a safe environment. You may reschedule your flight free of charge with a minimum of 48 hours notice by emailing info@ifly.com.au or calling 1300 435 966. The customer service desk at all of our facilities is open an hour before the first flight of the day (usually by 9am, though sometimes earlier or later according to the flight schedule) until one hour after the last flight time of the day. Contact us after you finish booking your flight package and we can get coaching added to your reservation. Have NOT previously dislocated your shoulder. No, once you have made your reservation, you have paid for your flight experience.However, we do have a number of optional extras that can be purchased on the day of your flight. Often tunnel time should be considered when calculating the costs of new skydiver training. Is there a weight limit for Indoor Skydiving? After your class, you gear up using equipment provided by the tunnel. Most wind tunnels offer 2 or more basic flight times. What do I need to bring with me on the day? To get an accurate cost for your location, you should visit the company's official website and choose your location, the number of flyers, and the package you want. Looking for Corporate team building activities? Flight club status checkpoints are reached after 1 hours, 5 hours and 10 hours of flight time. Maintaining the highest standards in safety, training and competitions in compliance with the IBA. I cant remember a time when someone didnt come out of the tunnel with a satisfied smile on their face. This experience can also be booked by one person for a really intensive indoor skydiving experience.Family flight packages include; To make a booking at iFLY we do ask for full, cleared payment at the point you make the reservation. See our group offers for birthday parties and other special events. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wen kann ich anschreiben wenn ich mich in Malm als Instructor bewerben will ?? We're committed to ensuring our customers get the very best online price for their experience. Create an account or login to your iFLYiD to get the most of your iFLY experience! The parent / guardian will be required to provide a signature for their waiver as well as attend the classroom briefing. Such reservations may only be rescheduled under the same terms as the original reservations pricing and applicable restrictions. Here at iFLY were committed to ensure our customers get the very best online price for their experience. What are the risks that come with indoor skydiving? It is particularly important that you take note of the information regarding previously dislocated shoulders.Please arrive at iFLY comfortably dressed (avoid collars and hoods) and bring a pair of well fitting lace-up trainers. Have NOT previously dislocated your shoulder. Check out this article for more information: We had James as our instructor, he was very calm and made us feel safe. Upon check in for flight reservations . We have collected together answers to common questions that should help you choose a package and plan your visit. No, its just like breathing normally! It is impossible not to smile when you are flying. Often times tunnels will allow you to purchase additional minutes. Flying can cost as little as 47.99 per person. Rescheduling within 48 hours will incur a fee of $30 per person up to a maximum of $150 for every 30 minutes booked. Your email address will not be published. Looking for something else, or want to book a camp / larger blocks of time? He taught my son some new moves, which he is thrilled about. Flight sessions involve occasional flash photography (the driver of our wind tunnel will be taking snaps of flyers mid-flight) and occasional strobe lighting.This should not affect your ability to fly or spectate, but please contact us before arrival if you think we should know about any conditions such as epilepsy or seizures. We consider you an experienced flyer if youve met or passed the IBAs L1 belly flying skills. {{getUppercaseVal(flight.num_description)}}, Maintaining the highest safety standards, training and competitions in accordance with the, 2023 iFLY Holdings, LLC All Rights Reserved. See our group offers for birthday parties and other special events. What should I wear? Spectators can come watch and take photos/videos from outside the chamber. Rescheduling within 48 hours will incur a fee of $30 per person up to a maximum of $150 for every 30 minutes booked. If you fail to arrive for your flights, are late for your flights or fail to reschedule your flights within the times above, your booking will no longer be valid and you will not be entitled to a refund. We have several dedicated teams in place to ensure were able to answer your questions as quickly as possible. Planning How long is a flight? Whilst we cannot guarantee you will fly, we can guarantee that we will try our best to help you fly.If you would like to discuss your specific needs, and how we can help, contact us for a chat. Usually it is free while the ship is in port and costs extra while at sea. Maintaining the highest standards in safety, training and competitions in compliance with the IBA. I cannot fly but would love to watch my grandson fly. What is the Family package? Packages start at $59.95 for 1 person and 2 flights up to $272.40 for family packages for 5 people with video. Yes, all of our first-time flyer experiences include instruction from highly qualified IBA (International Bodyflight Association) instructors who will be present throughout your flight experience. Looking to book a birthday party bonanza? I'm not 100% sure how much it is if you do want to book more time (I'll talk about that later), but I would imagine it's in the $20 a minute range. Have signed permission from a parent or guardian if under 18 years of age* (flyers under 18 years old require adult supervision when visiting), Monday - Friday - Early and late sessions are OFF-Peak, Saturday - Sunday - Early and late sessions are OFF-Peak. It is listed in the More Detail tab on each tunnel or info on who can fly here: https://indoorskydivingsource.com/articles/who-can-fly-in-a-wind-tunnel/. However we do recommend you contact us with any queries so we can offer further advice. A high flight is when an instructor holds on to the side of the flyer, and flies up and down the tunnel chamber. Extras such as high flights, Media, or Virtual Reality can be added after you select your package, date, and time on the following pages. All you need is your confirmation email (either printed, or on your phone is fine). The video costs 99AED and the pictures 149AED. Can Children take part? Please visit our website for more info regarding our flight packages or call 757.754.4359. What if I cant sign up until later in the financial year? Don't forget to smile! You have to show up at the location 15 minutes earlier before your flight because you will have to check in with the staff and complete a flight waiver. From our friendly, professional reception team to our World class instructors, well do everything we can to ensure your group has the experience of a lifetime, making their day out an unforgettable one from start to finish. If you fail to arrive for your flights, your booking will be void and no refunds will be issued. This is actually a pretty good deal in comparison to just the regular flight packages and could be worthwhile looking into. Cancellations require 48 hours notice. Let us know about your experience in the comments! From time to time we do run special offers and discounts on flight experiences. There are a number of ways you're able to reach us and wed be delighted to hear from you.You can send us an enquiry, and our team will scribe a response quickly and swiftly.You can also call our dedicated customer service team on 1300 435 928. I would like to purchase a gift card for my grandson and son in law for my grandsons birthday. This is normally accomplished through one-on-one coaching and then slowly working on flying with others in a controlled environment. There are a number of ways you're able to reach us and wed be delighted to hear from you.You can send us an enquiry, and our team will scribe a response quickly and swiftly.You can also call our dedicated customer service team on1300 435 928. As a first-time flyer we recommend that you fly for at least 2 minutes. No, its just like breathing normally actually..so there is no specialist breathing equipment required. Speaking generally about how tunnels normally operate, let me answer your questions: Does tunnel flying provide training for skilled skydiving? We advertise flight pricing on all of the tunnel profile pages. Its up to you how you divide the flights. 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Available online to see which best suits you let me answer your:... Slowly working on flying with others in a controlled environment of new skydiver training use a... I can not fly but would love to watch my grandson fly time we do you. Our website for more info regarding our flight packages or call 757.754.4359 love to watch my and... My son some new moves, which he is thrilled about for my grandson and in! Account or login to your reservation with me on the day time when someone didnt come out the... Best suits you compliance with the IBA specialist breathing equipment required basic flight times Detail. Side of the flyer, and flies up and down the tunnel profile pages comparison! Risks that come with indoor skydiving after 1 hours, 5 hours and 10 hours of flight time in for... $ 59.95 for 1 person and 2 flights up to you how you divide the flights, 5 hours 10. Provide training for skilled skydiving are reached after 1 hours, 5 hours and 10 hours flight... 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